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单词 dispose
dispose/dɪs′pə ʊz, AmE -′poʊz/ vt [-s/ ɪz/; -d, -d/d/; -eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1) 安排,配(布)置,部署(place or set (sb/sth) in a suitable order; arrange) [T+n]:~soldiers for an attack/troops along a river/a battalion in battle formation/one's bomber squadron with great skill 部署士兵准备进攻/把部队部署在河的沿岸/把一个营布置成战斗队形/非常熟练地指挥自已的轰炸机中队;~chairs in a circle/singers in a semi-circle/ships in a straight line/plants in rows 把椅子摆成一个圆圈/歌手排成半圆形/船只布成直线/秧苗种成一排排的;~jewellery in an attractive display 把珠宝摆成吸引人的展示形状;〖同〗arrange, place;〖反〗disarrange;

(2) 处理(置)(settle or decide sth) [T+n]:I can't leave before~ing some important matters (things). 我只有处理好一些重要的事情才能离开。Man proposes, God~s. 谋事在人,成事在天。

(3) 使愿意(准备好)做(某事)(cause (sb) to be willing or ready to do sth) [C+n+to-inf](fml):(fine weather)~sb to spend more time in the country(好天气)使某人愿意在乡下多待些时候;(good pay)~sb to take the new job(高报酬)使某人愿意承担这个新工作;(chance of promotion)~sb to accept the offer(提升的机会)使某人愿意接受这个建议;feel half~d to object 觉得不大想反对;be not~d to help sb 不愿意帮助某人;〖同〗incline;

dispose of (v prep) 1) 处理,扔掉(vt):~of old cars/old newspapers/household waste/rubbish/fallen leaves 处理旧车子/旧报纸/家庭废物/垃圾/落叶;~of one's property/art treasures/goods 处理财产/艺术珍品/货物; 2) 解决,除掉(vt):~of sb's arguments (against one's plan)/objections驳倒(反对自已计划的)论点/异议;~of the matter/the business 处理好那件事/那事务;~of the problem/the difficulties 解决好那个问题/那些难题;~of one's rivals/one's opponents/some enemy planes 除掉对手/消灭对手/干掉一些敌机;

→ dis′posed adj 愿意的;对……有好感的;dis′posable adj 一次性(用后可丢弃)的;可供支配(使用)的;͵dispo′sition n 安排(置);性格,气质;倾向;dis′posal n





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