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单词 dismiss
dismiss/dɪs′mɪs/ vt [-s/ ɪz/ ]

(1) 解雇(职),开除(send away(from employment or office)) [T+nT+n+prep(from)](fml):~a worker/a servant解雇工人/仆人;~an employee/an adviser 辞退雇员/顾问;be~ed from a job/a post/a position/an office 被解雇/解职/解职/解职;be~ed (the) school/from (the) school 被开除出校;〖同〗fire, sack, discharge;〖反〗hire, employ;

(2) 遣(解)散(give sb permission to go away) [T+nT+n+prep(from)]:~soldiers 遣散士兵;~a meeting 宣布散会;~the class/the school/the students 让下课/放学/学生放学;The students were~ed for the holiday. 学生停课放假。~sb with a wave of the hand 挥手让某人走;~a child from the room 让小孩出房间;〖同〗release, free;

(3) 1) 打消(想法),放弃(想法、情感)(put (thought feelings etc)out of one's mind) [T+n T+n+prep(from)]:~the thoughts/the idea/one's trouble 放弃想法/打消念头/消除烦恼;try to~sb's memory/the matter/a person from one's thoughts (mind)极力要忘掉某人/不想那事/不想一个人;trust sb and~any suggestion of dishonesty 相信某人,一点也不怀疑其不诚实;2) 不理睬(会),认为……不值得考虑或谈论(regard sb/sth as not worth thinking or talking about) [T+n C+n+prep(as)]:~a suggestion/an objection/an idea/a plan/a warning 不理睬一建议/异议/主意/计划/警告;~a subject 撇开一话题;~sb's suggestion (proposal) with a wave of one's hand/a shake of one's head 挥手/摇头拒绝某人的建议(提议);~an idea as unimportant/a theory as erroneous/a story as mere rumour/a person as a dreamer 认为一主意不重要/一理论是错误的/一说法纯粹是谣言/一个人是空想家而不予理会;

(4) 驳回,拒绝受理((of a judge)reject(a case appeal etc)) [T+n]:The judge~ed the case because of lack of sufficient evidence. 因缺乏足够的证据,法官拒绝受理此案。~the charges(against sb) 驳回(对某人的)指控;Case~ed! 本案不予受理。

(5) 使出局((in cricket) end the innings of (the other team or one of its players)) [T+n]:England was~ed for 97 runs. 英格兰队得97分而失败出局。

→ dis′missal n解雇,开除;dis′missive adj 粗鲁(随便挥之而去)的;dis′missively adv 粗鲁(随便挥之而去)地;






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