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单词 distinct
distinct/dɪs′tɪ ŋkt/ adj

(1) 清晰(楚)的,明显的(clearly perceived by the senses or mind; plain; noticeable):The photograph/image/inscription/outline/handwriting/footprint is very~. 照片/影像/铭文/轮廓/书写/脚印很清晰。The sound/voice/pronunciation/smell is very~. 声音/说话声/发音/气味很清晰(明显)。The improvement/national style is very~. 改进/民族风格很明显。There is a~smell of gas in the room/coldness in his reply/difference between the two/sense of embarrassment in the air. 房间里的煤气味/他回答中的冷漠口吻/两者之间的差别/神态上的窘迫很明显。I had the~impression that I was being watched. 我清楚地感觉到我在受监视。〖同〗clear, plain, definite;〖反〗 indistinct,unclear, vague,indefinite;

(2) 不同的,有区别的(separate or different) [A(from)]:Hares are~from rabbits. 野兔与家兔不同。Gold is~from iron. 金子与铁不同。Mozart's style is~from Haydn's. 莫扎特的风格与海顿的风格不同。Those(two)ideas/birds/plants are quite~(from each other/one another). 那些(俩)主意/鸟/植物截然不同。~personalities/parties/animals/types of people 不同的个性/党/动物/类型的人;〖同〗separate, different, dissimilar, individual;〖反〗indistinct, similar, identical, same;

→ dis′tinctly adv 清楚(晰)地,明显(白)地;不同地;dis′tinctness n 清晰;不同;dis′tinction n 差(区)别;级别;特征;

【注意】distinct意为“明显的”和“不同的”,而distinctive则是“独特的,有特色的”,不要搞混。如:There is a distinct smell of petrol.(有股很浓的汽油味。) Petrol has a distinctive smell.(汽油有一种特别的气味。)






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