心怀不满xīn huái bù mǎnbe filled with resentment; feel aggrieved (/discontented); nurse a complaint (/a grievance) against ❍ 近来他风闻皇上因李国端的事对薛国观~,并且皇戚们同几个大太监暗中合谋,要将薛国观逐出朝廷,他认为时机到来,上疏揭发薛国观的一件纳贿的事,尽量夸大进行报复。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—777) Having heard recently that the imperial relatives were conniving with the chief eunuchs to get rid of Xue and that the emperor was angry with him over the affair of the marquis,Wu felt it was an opportune moment to write an exaggerated report about Xue’s accepting bribes. 心怀不满feeling discontented;nursing a grievance 心怀不满harbor discontent;be discontented ~的人malcontent |