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单词 心心相印

心心相印xīn xīn xiāng yìn

be at one with; be closely (/affectionately/mutually) attached to each other; be kindred spirits; be linked in hearts; both of the same mind; have mutual affinity; in mutual understanding; in perfect harmony; like-minded;mind acts upon mind; share the same feeling (/thought);their hearts are like one
❍ 当彼此自觉在做这样尊严而又似乎可笑的功课时,便~地互视而笑。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》257) Whenever they became suddenly conscious that they were engaged in these solemn and,in a way,ridiculous tasks,their eyes would meet and they would smile at the shared thought.
❍ 差幸~。两地皆同。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ —201)Nevertheless,it relieves my mind to think that our hearts are linked together in the same circumstances,despite the immense distance between us.
❍ 群众领袖本没有和段祺瑞等辈~,也未曾互相钩通,怎么能够料到这阴险的辣手。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—152) The popular leaders do not see eye to eye with Duan Qirui and his like,and have never plotted with them,so how could they foretell such bastardly brutality?


having mutual affinity;be kindred spirits


knowing each other's mind


have mutual affinity;speechless transmission of minds
我们两国人民~。The hearts of our people accord with those of yours./他们~地互视而笑。Their eyes met and they smiled at the shared thought.

心心相印xīn xīn xiānɡ yìn

印:符合。形容彼此的心意完全一致。be kindred spirits, share the same feelings, be linked in hearts, have identical feelings and views





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