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单词 心平气和

心平气和xīn píng qì hé

be in a calm (/placid)mood; even-tempered and good-humoured; in a tranquil state of mind; in one’s sober senses; pleasant and composed; relenting (ly);unruffled; with an even disposition
❍ 我独不解中国人何以于旧状况那么~,于较新的机运就这么疾首蹙额;于已成之局那么委曲求全,于已兴之事就这么求全责备?(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—118) But what I cannot understand is why we Chinese are so contented with existing conditions,and so opposed to change; so tolerant of what has been done already,and so hypercritical of anything new.
❍ 她时常跟人家吵架,也发我的气,我的老主意是由她发一阵,自己一声都不做。等她~了,再给她来一个批评。(周立波《山乡巨变》 110) She often has rows with people,and she gets angry at me too. What I always do is wait till she’s let off steam before I say a word. Then,when she’s calmed down,I give her a criticism.
❍ 秦妈妈进门先扭开了电灯,~地对他说:“梅厂长,工人有点事和你商量,请你下去一趟。” (周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—64)Auntie Qin stepped inside the door and switched on the light and addressed him calmly and levelly;“Director Mei,the workers have something to discuss with you and they’d be glad if you’d come downstairs.”/ “你甭生气,”剑平~的回答,“你跟看守说,我马上挪!”(高云览《小城春秋》178)“Don’t get sore,”said Jianping evenly. “Fix it up with the keeper and I’ll move right now.”/打完之后,便~起来,似乎打的是自己,被打的是别一个自己,不久也就仿佛是自己打了别个一般,……(《鲁迅选集》上—56) After this slapping his heart felt lighter,for it seemed as if the one who had given the slap was himself,the one slapped some other self,and soon it was just as if he had beaten someone else.…/总之,在我,是肚子一饱,应酬一少,便要~,关起门来,什么也不写了; ……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—122) In my own case,provided my belly is filled and I have not too many callers,I stay placidly behind closed doors and do no writing at all.
❍ 有话,~地讲,行不行,两位老兄。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—552) Now gentlemen,let’s try to talk without losing our temper.Shall we?


tranquil mind and harmonious breath


even-tempered and good-humored;calm; unruffled

心平气和xīn pínɡ qì hé

平心静气,态度温和。calm, with equanimity, pleasant and composed, in a calm mood





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