单词 | bottom |
释义 | bottom/′bɒtəm, AmE ′bɑ:-/ n, adj & v n (1) 底,底部(lowest part or point of sth outside or inside)[C,通常sing][N(of)]:at the~of the stairs/the mountain在楼梯/山脚下;at the~of the slope/the wall/the valley/the pile在斜坡/墙/山谷/堆的底部;at the~of the page/the list在书页/名单的最末处;at the~of the steps/one's trouser legs在台阶的最低几级/裤腿边处; at (in/on) the~of the cup/the box/the trunk/the basket/the well 在杯子/盒子/皮箱/篮子/井的底部(上);oars in the~of a boat放在船底部的桨; barnacles on the~of a boat长在船底上的藤壶贝;B~s up! (infml)干杯! 〖同〗base,foot;〖反〗 top,summit,peak; (2) (海,湖,河之)底,水底(solid surface under a sea, lake or river)[C,the~][N(of)]:at/on the~of the sea/the lake/the river在海/湖/河底;(diver/ship) go/sink to the~(潜水员/船)沉入水底;send an enemy ship to the~把敌船打沉海底;The water is very deep here; I can't touch (the)~. 这儿水很深,我够不着底。〖同〗riverbed,depths;〖反〗surface; (3) 屁股 (part of the body on which one sits) [C]:fall on one's~摔个屁股墩;smack/spank a child's~打小孩的屁股; (4) 末端,远处(farthest part or point (of sth)͵ far end (of sth))[C, the~][N(of)]:at the~of the road/the garden 路的尽头/花园深处;down at the~of the meadow在草地的尽头;sit at the~of a long table 坐在长桌子的尽头; (5) 最(末)(lowest place or position in a class, list, etc)[C,the~][N(of)]:He is always (at) the~of the class in science.他的理科(成绩)在班上总是垫底。Who came~in the exam? 这次考试谁是最后一名? He started at the~(of the ladder), and worked his way up to success/to become a president. 他从最底层干起,却奋斗成功了/成了总统。Officials at the top make the decisions; men at the~carry them out.上层官员做决定,下层人员去执行。 (6) 起点(因)(the starting point; the cause)[C,the~][N(of)]:Who is at the~of all this trouble/these rumours? 谁是这起纠纷的祸首/这些谣言的制造者?~line 决定性因素; (7) 套服的下身(lower part of a two-piece garment)[C,通常pl]:pyjama/track suit~s 睡裤/运动裤; at bottom 实际上,根本上:He pretends to be very bold, but he's really a cowardly man at~.他假装很胆大,实际上却很胆小。 from the bottom of one's heart由衷地:I thank/congratulate you from the~of my heart.我真心感谢/祝贺你! get to the bottom of 弄清……的原因(真相):Let's get to the~of this (mystery/matter/problem). 咱们来把这(奥秘/事/问题)弄清楚。 →′bottomless adj 无底的,很深的;无限的,用不完的;′bottommost adj 最低的; adj 最低(后)的 (lowest or last):in the~row在最后一排;on the~step of the stairs在楼梯最低一级;the book on the~stack/shelf书架最底层的书;the~button of a waistcoat/rung of a ladder坎肩最底下的扣子/梯子最低一级;the~line on a page一页的最后一行;~prices最低价;go in~gear以最慢档行驶;〖同〗lowest,deepest;〖反〗highest,uppermost,upper; bottom out (v adv) 降到最低点(vi):The crisis/recession has~ed out.危机/萧条已达到最严重的程度。House prices have~ed out.房价已降到最低水平。 |
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