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单词 bother
bother/′bɒð ə(r), AmE ′bɑ:-/ v [-ing /rɪ ŋ/]; n & interj

v (1) 打扰,麻烦(cause trouble inconvenience or annoyance to sb)[T+n T+n+prep(about/with), C+n+to-inf]:I'm sorry to~you, but can you tell me the way to the post office? 很抱歉打扰你,请问去邮局怎么走? Does our smoking/the pain~you (much)? 我们抽烟/这疼痛烦扰你(厉害)吗? The flies~ed the horse.苍蝇叮扰着那匹马。Don't~him (about it) now; he's busy/tired.现在别(为这事)打扰他,他很忙/累。I can't~him with little things like that/my little affairs.我不能用那种小事/我的琐事麻烦他。Don't~yourself/your head about it.不要为这费心! She's always~ing him to lend her money.她总是缠着他借钱。I can't be~ed to cook for myself.我嫌麻烦不愿给自己做饭。〖同〗trouble;

(2) 使不安(焦虑,烦恼)(worry; cause to be nervous)[T+n]:What's~ing you all? 什么事使你们都烦恼? Such things/The problems/His rheumatism/His cold have (has) been~ing him for long. 这种事情/这个问题/风湿病/感冒很长时间来一直困扰着他。He was~ed by her silence/about Janet/with it.他因为她的沉默/珍妮特/这事焦虑不安。It only~s us that we can't help you more. 我们不能更多地帮助你们,这使我们不安。〖同〗worry,annoy;

(3) 费心,烦劳(take the trouble or time (to do sth))[I I+to-inf I+prep (about/with)]:Don't~. I'll do it later.别费心了,我回头自己干。 Don't~answering this note.不必费心答复这张便条。Why~learning all those facts? 为什么劳神去记所有这些事实? Don't~to come over/shut the door! 不用劳神过来/关门! He didn't even~to knock. He just walked in.他甚至连门也不敲,就这么走了进去。I never~to iron my shirts.我从不费事去熨衬衣。Oh! (You)Don't~with (about) me/it/the rug.啊,不要为我/这事/地毯费心。Oh! (You) Don't~with (about) coming over. 啊,不要费心过来。I didn't~about what I looked like.我不为我的外表劳神。She has no time to~with trifles.她没有时间去操心琐事。〖同〗trouble,attempt;〖反〗neglect;

(4) (表示不悦的强调用语)(used in the imperative to add force to expressions of displeasure)[T+n] (用祈使语气):B~it! 真讨厌! B~the flies/this weather! 这些讨厌的苍蝇/这倒霉的天气! B~this car! It's always breaking down.讨厌的车! 老抛锚。B~the lot of you! Go away at once.你们这帮人真讨厌! 马上滚开。

→͵bothe′ration interj 倒霉,真气人;

n (1) 麻烦,不便,焦急(trouble inconvenience or worry(usu caused by small matters and lasting a short time)[U]:(not)have much~finding sb's house(没)费很大事找到某人的家;find sth without any~没费任何事找到……;Gardening takes more~than it's worth.园艺之费事甚于其价值。put sb to/give sb/cause sb all the~给某人添这许多麻烦;“Thanks for your help!” “It was no~.” “感谢你的帮助!”“这没什么。” If it's no~, we'll come tomorrow.如果方便,我们明天来。a lot of~for nothing许多无谓的自扰;〖同〗inconvenience,problem,trouble;〖反〗convenience;

(2) 引起麻烦或不便的人或事物(sth or sb that causes trouble inconvenience or anxiety)[C,通常sing]:What a~all this is! 这一切多么烦人! What a~! I've missed my train! 多倒霉! 我误了火车。Doing the laundry can be a terrible~.洗衣服会是令人非常心烦的事。Don't make such a~over which dress to wear.不要为穿哪件衣服这么费心思。His bad tooth/lazy son is quite a~to him.他的坏牙/懒儿子真是他的麻烦! I am sorry to be/don't want to be a~to you, but could you sign this for me? 我很抱歉要/不想麻烦你,请你给我在这儿签一下字好吗?

→′bothersome adj 引起麻烦的,令人讨厌的;

interj 倒霉,真气人 (used to express mild annoyance):Oh~! I've missed my train/cut my finger. 倒霉,我误了火车/切破了手指!






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