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单词 心广体胖

心广体胖心宽体胖xīn guǎng tǐ pàng

carefree and contented; fit and happy; hale and hearty; have cheerful nature and stalwart body;laugh and grow fat; of wide girth and ample heart
❍ 生宝很喜欢有万心宽体胖,和谁都能说笑、打闹,……(柳青《创业史》408) Shengbao admired Youwan’s cheerful nature and stalwart body. Youwan joked and rioted with everyone.
❍ 她着实是~,结实得象一条小牛,……(《曹禺选集·日出》172) She is really hale and hearty and as strong as an ox,…/大家现在都说 “灾官” “灾官”,殊不知“~”的还不在少呢。(青迅《华盖集续编》137)Everybody is talking about “famished officials”,but there seem to be quite a few “liberal minds in well nourished bodies”about still.
❍ 富润屋,德润身,~,故君子心诚其意。(《礼记·大学》) Riches adorn a house,and virtue adorns the person. The mind is expanded,and the body is at ease. Therefore,the superior man must make his thoughts sincere.

心广体胖xīn ɡuǎnɡ tǐ pán

广:开阔,坦率;胖:安详,舒坦。内心无所愧疚,身体必定是安泰舒适。形容心情舒畅,身体健壮。fit and happy, carefree and contented, hale and hearty, broad mindless brings health, laugh and grow fat





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