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单词 lean
lean2/li:n/ vleant,leant/lent/or -ed,-ed/li:nd/]

(1)倚,靠((cause to)rest againston sth for support)[I+prep(against/(up)on),T+n+prep(against/on)]:a ladder/a man~ed against the wall 梯子/人倚着墙;~upon one's stick 拄着手杖;She~ed on her lover's arm. 她倚在情人的手臂上。~a ladder against the fence 把梯子倚在篱笆上;~one's arm/one's body/one's bike against a railing 把手臂/身体/自行车倚在栏杆上;

(2)倾斜,俯(berest in a sloping or bent position)[II+prepI+adv]:~across/over the counter/the table 将身体探过柜台/桌子;~over a book 低着头看书;The post~s to the left/one side 柱子向左/一侧倾斜;The tree was~ing toward(s) the south. 那棵树向南倾斜。~backward/forward/outward 向后/前/外倾斜;~down to hear a child 俯下身来听小孩说话;~out of the window 将身子探出窗外;~over backwards to do sth尽全力做某事;〖同〗bend;

lean on (upon) (v prep)依靠(vt):They always~on (upon) us/our advice when they are in trouble. 他们遇到困难时总是依靠我们/听从我们的建议。

lean toward(s)/to (v prep)倾向于(vt):Most of the writer's works~toward satire. 那位作家的多数作品带有讽刺的倾向。I rather~to your opinion. 我颇倾向于你的看法。

→′leaning n 倾斜(向),偏好;






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