单词 | leaf |
释义 | leaf/li:f/ n [leaves /li:vz/]; vi n (1)叶子(part of a plant growing from the side of a stem,usu green,flat and thin)[C]:blow off the~ves 吹落树叶;put forth new~ves 长出新叶;In autumn,most trees shed their~ves. 在秋季,树木大都要落叶。L~ves fall off/rustle/flutter past the window/are turning yellow. 叶子凋落/沙沙响/从窗前飘过/在变黄。sweep up the dead/dry~ves 扫掉枯叶;a bay/maple/tobacco/tea~一片月桂树/枫树/烟/茶叶;lettuce/cabbage~ves 莴苣/卷心菜叶;the fig~无花果树叶;遮羞布;trees thick with~ves 枝叶茂密的树木;All the trees are in~now. 现在树都披上了绿装。Beijing in~绿树成荫的北京;the fall of the~秋天;come into~长叶,发芽; (2)书的一张(即两页)(sheet of paper,esp in a book)[C]:There is a~missing in the book. 这本书缺一张。tear a~out of a book/a notebook 从书/笔记本里撕下一张; turn the~ves of a telephone book 翻阅电话簿;turn over a~翻过一页;a flower pressed between the~ves of a book 夹在书页之间的花; (3)金属箔(thin sheet of metal)[U]:a frame covered with gold~包上金箔的框架; take a leaf out of sb's book 效仿某人:If you want to succeed,take a~out of my book. 如果你想成功,就走我的路。 turn over a new leaf 翻开新的一页;重新开始;改过自新;He decided to turn over a new~and study harder. 他决定重新开始,更加努力地学习。 →′leafage n(总称)叶子;′leafless adj 无叶的;′leafy adj 叶茂的;′leaflet n 小叶;传单; vi长出叶子(put forth leaves)[I]:The trees~(out) in spring. 树在春天长叶。 leaf through (v prep)很快地翻阅(vt):casually~through a book/a magazine and look at the illustrations 随便地翻阅一本书/杂志看看插图 |
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