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单词 let
let/let/ vt let,let;-tt-]

(1)让,允许(allow to do sth;permit)[C+n+to-inf,无pass](如上下文清楚,常略去后面的不定式):He won't~us do it . 他不准我们做此事。We can't~this go on. 我们不能让这事继续下去。Will you~me smoke? 我能抽烟吗? I'd love to come but my parents won't~me. 我很想去,但是我的父母不让。〖反〗forbid,prohibit;
 (2)准许活动、进入或通过(allow to moveenter or pass)[T+n+prepT+n+adv]:Who~you into the building? 谁让你进入这座大楼的? Please~me in/into the room. 请让我进来。~the dog out (of the room) 把狗(从屋子里)放出去;~sb by/past 让某人过去;~the curtain down 放下窗帘;~in light and air 让光线和空气进来;~sb through/a report through 让某人通过/通过一报告;
 (3)(用于祈使句)(used as an imperative)[C+n+to-inf,无pass]1)让,允许(allow) (let us不可缩写为let's):L~us know what you're going to do. 请告诉我们你们要做什么。L~us buy you a drink. 我们来请你喝一杯。L~me try. 让我来试一试。2)(用于提出建议或计划,包括对方在内,let us常缩写为let's):“L~'s go for a walk. What do you say?”“All right. L~'s.”“咱们去散步吧。你意下如何?”“好吧,咱们去吧。”L~'s go for a ride/go home. 咱们去兜风吧/回家去吧。Mama,you're ill. L~me get the doctor. 妈妈,你病了。我去请医生吧。L~'s not get angry/Don't ~'s get angry. 我们不要发火。(注意上述否定句,前一句被认为更加正确,在书面语中比第二句更常见。) 3)(表示要求、命令或威胁等): L~him be here by ten o'clock/him tell all the facts. 叫他10点以前到这儿来/把实话都说出来。L~every man do his duty.人人都要尽责。If they will not work,~them starve. 他们不愿意干活就让他们挨饿。4)(表示假设): L~AB be equal to CD. 设AB等于CD。 L~X be the unknown quantity. 设X为未知数。
 (4)出租(allow to use in exchange for regular payments)[T+nT+n+prep(to),T+n+adv(out/off),I]:~(out)a house/cottage/shop/flat/room/field (to sb) 把房子/小型别墅/商店/公寓/房间/一块田地出租(给某人);have rooms to~有房屋出租;~a boat by the hour/at low rents 以小时计费/低租金租船;~the top floor of one's house to two young men 把房子的顶层租给两个年轻人;The six floors of this large building were~off as separate flats. 这座大楼中有六层是按套房出租的。This house is to (be)~. 此房出租。To~. 出租(招牌用语)。The apartment~s on a yearly basis. 这套公寓按年出租。〖同〗rent;
 let sb/sth be 不要打扰 L~her be;she has a headache. 不要打扰她,她头疼。
 let bygones be bygones 过去的事情就算了,既往不咎:We should~bygones be bygones and try to get along with each other. 我们应该既往不咎,和好相处。
 let drop/fall(似乎无意,实则有意)说出,故意漏出:He~drop the suggestion that we should meet him in town. 他似乎无意地提出我们应该在城里同他会面。
 let go (of)放开,松手:He~go the boy. 他松开抓着男孩的手。Don't~go of the dog. 不要放开这只狗。
 let it go(at that)算了,就此为止:I don't agree with all you say but we'll~it go at that. 你说的话我不是都同意,但是我们就此为止吧。
 let oneself go 1)言行随便,不拘束:Judge Brown~himself go at the reunion of his old class and had a good time. 布朗法官在老同学的聚会上很随便,玩得很痛快。2)放松,松懈:The cowboys worked hard all week,but on Saturday night they went to town and~themselves go. 牛仔们整个星期辛苦地工作,但是星期六晚上他们去城里尽情地玩个痛快。
 let loose 放开,让自由活动:He caught her arm and would not~loose. 他抓住她的胳膊不放手。~a dog loose 放开狗让它自由活动;
 let me see 让我想一想:L~me see. Where did I put the key? 让我想一想,我把钥匙放哪儿了?
 let sleeping dogs lie (prov)莫惹是非:Don't tell Father that you broke the window. L~sleeping dogs lie. 不要告诉爸爸你打破了窗户玻璃,别惹麻烦。
 let the cat out of the bag泄露秘密,露馅:We wanted to surprise Mary with a birthday gift,but Allen~the cat out of the bag by asking her what she would like. 我们想意外地送给玛丽一件生日礼物,但是艾伦问她想要什么就露了馅。
 let well enough alone 满足于已经很好的事,不要过头:John wanted to make his kite go higher,but his father told him to~well enough alone because it was too windy. 约翰想让风筝飞得再高一点,但是他父亲告诉他因为风太大,这样已经够高了。
 let down (v adv) 1)辜负,使失望,失信(vt):The team felt they had~the coach down. 队员们感到辜负了教练的期望。I've been badly~down. 我非常失望。2)放长(衣服)(vt):~a hem down 放出折边;She~the dress down several centimeters. 她把那件女衫放长了几厘米。
 let in (v adv) 1)渗,漏(vt):These shoes~in water. 这些鞋子漏水。2)把衣服改瘦些(vt):The trousers need~ting in at the waist. 这条裤子的腰部需要改瘦些。
 let in for (v adv prep) 使陷入麻烦等(vt):It could~us in for trouble. 这可能会使我们陷入麻烦。
 let in on/into (v adv prep/prep) 使知道(秘密等)(vt):I've heard something very funny and I'll~you in on it after class. 我听到一件很有趣的事,下课后告诉你。She has been~into the secret. 她已得知了那个秘密。
 let off (v adv) 1)开枪,引爆,燃放(vt):~off guns/fireworks/a bomb 开枪(炮)/燃放烟火/引爆炸弹; 2)放过,饶恕(vt):She~him off lightly. 她轻易放过了他。~sb off with a fine/without punishment 对某人罚款了事/免于惩罚; 3)放出(vt):~off steam 放出蒸汽; 4)允许不做某事,放假(vt):The teacher~the students off their homework that evening. 老师那天晚上没给学生留作业。He was~off for a week's vacation. 批准他度假一周。
 let on (v adv) 1)泄露,让人知道(vt & vi):Don't~on that I was late. 别告诉别人我迟到了。I never~on about what you told me. 你对我说的话我从来都没讲出去。He knew where the boy was but he didn't~on. 他知道那个男孩在哪儿,但他就是不说。2)假装(vt & vi):The old man likes to~on that he is rich. 那个老人喜欢装出他很富有。He~on like he didn't hear a word they said. 他假装好像没听见他们说的话。
 let out (v adv) 1)让出去(vt):Mother won't~us out when it rains. 下雨时妈妈不让我们出去。2)发出(vt):~out a sigh/shriek 叹一口气/发出一声尖叫; 3)泄露,说出(vt):~out a secret/the news 泄露秘密/透露消息; 4)放宽(长)衣服(vt):His trousers need to be~out round the waist. 他的裤腰需要放宽。5)加速(vt):He turned into an expressway and~the car out. 他把车子开上高速公路,然后加速前进。6)免除责任(义务等)(vt):Frank has shoveled the snow from the sidewalk. That~s me out.弗兰克已经把便道上的雪铲走了,我就不用干了。7)解雇(vt):Some workers will probably be~out. 有些工人可能要被解雇。8)结束(散)(vt & vi):The coach~us out from practice at three o'clock. 教练3点钟结束训练让我们解散。School~s out at four o'clock. 学校4点钟放学。
 let slip 1)无意说出:The girl~slip that she had been a witness to the accident. 那个女孩无意中说出她是那次事故的目击者。2)错过:We mustn't~slip such an opportunity. 我们一定不要错过这样一个机会。
 let up (v adv) 1)减小(弱)(vi):The rain/snow~up. 雨/雪渐渐小了。2)松劲,停止(vi):They didn't~up,even though they were winning. 即使快赢了他们也不松劲。He works all day and never~s up. 他整天工作,一刻也不休息。
 →′let-down n 失望;′let-up n 减少,放松,和缓;





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