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单词 lead
lead2/li:d/ n;vled,led/led/]

n (1)领先(position in front;)[Ua~][N(of/over)]:have a~of ten meters/half a lap over the other runners 比其他赛跑运动员领先10米/半圈;have a~of several years in space technology 在空间技术方面领先数年;have a commanding/good/safe/substantial~绝对/大大/稳稳/遥遥领先;

(2)领先地位(first or front place)[Uthe~]:take the~领先,居首位;gain/have the~in a race 在赛跑中领先;hold/maintain the~保持领先地位;move/go into the~跃居领先地位;take over the~from sb 把领先地位从某人手里夺过来;lose the~to sb 被某人夺去领先地位;He is in the~in this race. 他在这次赛跑中领先。

(3)榜样(example)[Ua~]:Japan followed the~of America in aviation. 日本在航空方面追随美国。give sb a~给……作出榜样,为……起带头作用;take the~(in doing sth)为他人树立榜样;

(4)主角(principal role in a playmoviesetc)[C]:play the~in a play 在剧中扮演主角;A versatile actor is needed for the~. 需要一位多才多艺的演员来演主角。male/female/second~男/女/第二主角;the~actor/violinist 主角/第一提琴手;

(5)线索,提示(clue;hint)[C]:The police haven't got a single~. 警察连一点线索也没有。investigate a new~调查一条新线索;I gave him a~in solving the problem. 解决这个问题时我给他作过提示。

v (1)带领,引导,牵,搀(go ahead of and show the way;guide or take by holding or pulling)[T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:They had to find a guide to~them.他们得找个向导为他们带路。~the guests into the drawing-room/the blind man across the street/the horses into the yard 把客人领进客厅/搀盲人过马路/把马牵进院子;An officer led his men into combat. 一名军官带领士兵参加战斗。~sb by the hand 拉着某人的手;~sb by the nose牵着某人的鼻子走;完全控制某人;The servant led the visitors in. 仆人将客人领进来。〖同〗guide;

(2)领导,率领,指挥(be the head of;direct;control)[T+nT+n+prep(into)]:~a peace movement/a struggle/an expedition/a strike 领导一次和平运动/斗争/探险/罢工;~a meeting/a discussion 主持会议/讨论;~the singing in the concert 在音乐会上领唱;~a party of scientists going to London 率领科学家代表团去伦敦;~an army/the Allied forces during the war 在战争中指挥一支军队/同盟国的军队;~the troops against the enemy 率领部队抗敌;~the party into the next election 领导党参加下一次竞选;

(3)领先,带头(be ahead of;be first in)[ IT+nT+n+prep(in)]:That nation~s in industrial output. 那个国家在工业产量方面领先。~in oil/coal/copper production. 在石油/煤炭/铜的生产方面领先;The school band led the parade. 学校的乐队走在游行队伍的前头。Our football team led theirs by two goals. 我们的足球队领先他们队两分。~the world in computer science/cancer research 在计算机科学/癌症研究方面领先于世界;

(4)影响,使得(influence or affect sb)[T+nT+n+prep(to/into),T+n+advC+n+to-inf]:She is too easily led. 她太没有主见了。What led you to this conclusion? 什么使你得出这样的结论?~sb into error/debt 使某人犯错误/负债;~a person astray 把某人引人歧途;~sb to believe/to distrust sth 使某人相信/怀疑某事;Subsequent events led him to reconsider his position. 随后发生的事情促使他重新考虑自己的立场。

(5)通向,延续到(go to a particular place or along a particular course)[I+prepI+adv]:A large gate/door~s into the garden. 一扇大门/门通向花园。A small path~s through the woods/from the house to the woods. 一条小路穿过树林/从房子通向树林。One path~s down to the river. The other~s up the hill. 一条小路向下通往河边,另一条通往山上。The lights led to the river. 灯光延续到河边。All roadsto Roam.(prov) 条条大路通罗马。

(6)过(某种生活)(live a certain kind of life)[T+n]~ a happy/a full/a quiet/a simple/a hard/a miserable life 过着幸福/充实/安静/简朴/艰难/痛苦的生活;~a dog's life 过着困苦的生活;~a life of luxury 过着奢侈的生活;〖同〗live;

(7)导致,引起(have as a result;result in)[I+prep(to)]:The heavy rain led to serious floods. 大雨引起洪水。 The incident led to his resignation. 那件事导致他辞职。Hard work~s to success. 努力就能成功。 Poor sanitation~s to disease. 卫生太差引起疾病。

lead sb up the garden path 欺骗:This is not the first time we've been led up the garden path by that fellow. 我们这不是第一次受那家伙的骗了。

lead the way 1)领先:That school led the way in teaching reading. 那所学校在教授阅读方面领先。2)带路:His secretary led the way into his office. 他的秘书把我们带进他的办公室。 The hostess led the way to the table. 女主人把客人引到餐桌旁。

lead off (v adv)开始(vi & vt):The band led off by playing the national anthem. 乐队首先奏国歌。They led off the show with a chorus. 他们的演出以合唱开始。

lead on (v adv)哄骗,引诱(vt)(infml):He led her on to tell her secret. 他哄骗她讲出她的秘密。He's just~ing you on!他在骗你!

lead up to (v adv prep)导致,打算(vt):the conditions which led up to the war 导致战争的形势;That's just what I was~ing up to. 那正是我要说的。

→′leading adj 主要的,最重要的,第一位的;′lead-in n 介绍,开场白,引入线;′leader n领导人;领先者;社论;

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