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单词 length
length/leŋθ/ n

(1)长(度)(measurementextent or distance from one end to the other)[U]:measure the~of a road/a line测量一条路/线的长度;walk the~of a street 从街的一头走到另一头;be of the same~一样长;be three times the~of the other 比另一个长两倍;can not see beyond the~of one's nose 鼠目寸光;radio wave~无线电波长;a room 8 metres in~and 6 in breadth 8米长、6米宽的房间;within an arm's~近在咫尺;an essay of 10 pages in~一篇10页长的文章;can not judge a book only by its~不能仅以篇幅长短来评价一本书;〖反〗width,breadth;

(2)(时间的)长短,期间(period of time)[Ua~]:the~of time needed for the work 完成该工作所需的时间;make a stay of some~in Shanghai 在上海逗留一些时候;draw out to a great~拖得很久(持续很长时间);a ceremony/meeting,etc of considerable~时间相当长的仪式/会议等;the~of service/sb's life 服务时间的长短/某人的寿命;the~of a holiday/a visit/a journey/a reign 假日/访问/旅行/统治期间;The~of a lesson/a speech/a movie is one hour/two hours. 一堂课/一场演讲/一场电影的时间是一/两个小时。〖同〗duration;

(3)(某物的)体长(measurement from end to end of an object or animal)[C]:park one car's~away from the hydrant 把车停在离消防栓一车身的地方;The horse/boat won the race by two~s. 那匹马/那只赛艇以领先两身之距获胜。measure one's~全身扑倒在地;

(4)一段(piece of sth)[C]:a~of pipe/silk/cloth 一段管子/一块丝绸/一块布料;a coat~一块上衣料;pieces of wood cut in~s of about 2 ft 截成约两英尺长的木条;We need several~s of string to tie the package. 我们需要几截细绳来捆这个包。

at length 1)长时间地:speak at great~讲话啰唆冗长; 2)全身的(地):a photo/portrait at~全身照/画像;lie at full~on the grass 伸直身体躺在草地上;3)详细地:discuss a matter at some/great/excessive~对一件事进行较/很/过分详细的讨论;dwell at~on sth 详细讲述…… 4)最后,终于(fml):At~his longings were satisfied. 他终于如愿以偿。

go to all/any/great/some lengths to do sth 尽一切办法(努力):He went to great~s to get what he wanted. 他尽一切努力争取得到他想要的东西。

go to the length of 到……地步,竟然:He went to the~of attacking his friends. 他竟然攻击他的朋友。

the length and breadth of 到处,全部:travel (through) the~and breadth of the country 游遍全国;

←long adj;

→′lengthen v(使)变长;′lengthy adj 漫(冗)长的;′lengthily adv 漫(冗)长地;′lengthways(′lengthwise)adj & adv 纵长(向)的(地)





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