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单词 left
left/left/ adj & adv [无comp];n

adj (1)左边(侧)的(on or to the side that is toward the west when one is facing north):one's~hand/arm/eye 左手/臂/眼;the~bank of a river/side of a road 河的左岸/路的左侧;~half/back/winger (sport) 左前锋/后卫/翼队员;have twofeet (infml)很笨拙;〖反〗 right;

(2)(政治上)左的(liberal or radical):the~wing 左派;They are very~. 他们政治上很左。~,right and center(infml)到处;〖反〗right;

adv向左(to the left side):turn~at the next corner 在下一个街角向左拐;〖反〗right;

n(1)左边(侧)(the side that is toward the west when one is facing north)[U]:walk/drive on the~靠左边走/靠左侧行车;sit on/at/to sb's~坐在某人的左侧;Keep to the~!靠左行驶!Turn to the~at the pub. 在酒馆那儿向左拐。〖反〗right;

(2)(政治上的)左(liberal or radical position)[U]:the extreme~极左;In the thirties,he had been far to the~. 他在30年代就已经很左了。〖反〗right;

(3)左拐(turn to the left)[C]:make/take a~向左拐;

→′left-′handed adj 惯用左手的;′left-′hander n 惯用左手的人;′leftist n & adj 左翼(激进)分子(的);′leftward(s) adj(向)左的;′left-′wing adj 左翼的





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