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单词 lecture
lecture/′lekt⨜ ǝ(r)/ n;v [-d,-d/d/;-eing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)讲演(课)(planned talk on a subject;speech givenesp for instruction)[C][N(to)(on)]:deliver/give/read a~to the students给学生讲演(课);attend/hear a~on economics/history听经济学/历史讲座;read a~宣读讲稿;a course of~s on sth 关于……的系列讲座;a~in English 用英语作的演讲;a long~长篇演讲;a film~电影讲座;a radio/TV~无线电/电视广播讲座;There was a good attendance at the~. 听讲演(课)的人很多。a~room/table/tour 讲堂/讲桌/巡回讲学;

(2)冗长的训斥(long scolding)[C]:give sb a~about speeding/for smoking 就超速行车/因抽烟而训斥某人;give sb a~on keeping one's room neat 教训某人要使自己的房间保持整洁;

v (1)讲演(课)(give a planned talk or a speech)[II+prep(on)]:He is not~ing this term. 他这学期不上课。~at various colleges 在各大学演讲;~on modern drama/about one's method of writing 讲授现代戏剧/自己的写作方法;~to the students twice a week 每周给学生上两次课;

(2)教训,训斥,告诫(scold or warn)[T+nT+n+prep(for/about)]:Please don't~me. 请不要教训我。~sb for being too mischievous/for being lazy 因某人太淘气/懒而教训他;The doctor~d his patient about smoking too much. 医生告诫病人抽烟不要太多。〖反〗praise;

→′lecturer n 演讲者,讲师;′lecturership n 讲师的职位;






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