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单词 事出有因

事出有因shì chū yǒu yīn

events not at all accidental; every bullet has its billet; everything has its seed; every why has a (/its) wherefore; it has its cause; it is by no means accidental; nothing comes out of the sack but what was in it; there is good reason (/cause) for; there is no smoke without fire;there is something behind the event (/accident)
❍ 胡小轩这才觉得~,不好玩,……(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—211) Hu Xiaoxuan now realized that the matterwas serious and could not be dismissed lightly.
❍ 但是这一次清算斗争是~的,必得清一清,算一算,斗一斗,争一争。(《毛泽东选集》)1286) But this time there is good cause for the struggle to settle accounts,there must bean accounting,there must be a settlement,there must be a fight,there must be a struggle.
❍ ~,各有社会基础。(梁斌《红旗谱》388) These things happenfor a good reason,they have social roots.


there is good reason for it;it is by no means accidental
~,查无实据there must be sth behind it,but no evidence has been found after investigation; investigation was justified but revealed no evidence against anybody

事出有因shì chū yǒu yīn

事情的发生有它的原因。There is a good reason for it. There is sth. behind this. Every why has a where fore. A thing has its cause.





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