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单词 distance
distance/′dɪstəns/ n [-s/ ɪz/];vt [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/t/; -eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n(1) 距离((amount of)space between two things or places) [C U]:judge~(s) 判断距离;measure~in kilometres/miles 以公里/英里测量距离;What is the~of the earth to the moon/from the earth to the moon/between the earth and the moon/to the moon? 地球至月球/从地球至月球/地球与月球之间/到月球的距离是多少? The~from the city to Paris/from the farm to the town is 320 km. 这城市至巴黎/农场到镇上有320公里远。The~from my house to school is two blocks.我家到学校有两个路口远。The town is a great (big/good/long/short)~off/away/from.../to... 城里离这儿/离这儿/距……/至……很远(很远/很远/很远/很近)。He lives some(some little/a little/no)~off/away/from.../to...他住的地方离这儿/离这儿/距……/至……有一段距离(有点距离/有点距离/不远)。The town is a~of 10 miles/quite a short~. 镇子有10英里远/相当近。The place is within (in) (easy) walking~of my house. 那地方离我家很近,步行去就可以。follow/accompany sb for some~跟随/陪伴某人一段距离;cover~s of a hundred miles a day 每天走100英里;have a big~/quite a~/long~s to travel (to walk)to work 上班要走很远/相当远/很长的路;I can hardly remember him at this~of (in) time.(fig)过去这么长时间,我几乎记不得他了。at a~of hundred years (fig) 相隔100年;His vacation period was a good~away.(fig)他的假期离得还很远哩。〖同〗gap,interval;〖反〗closeness,nearness;

(2) 远处(方)(place or point that is far away) [C U]:see/hear sth at (from) a~of 10 miles 从10英里外看见/听见……;make out sth in the~看清远处的……;the ship/hills/trees in the~远处的船/山/树;disappear into the~消失在远方;He won't hit the target at that~. 离那么远他打不中目标。

(3) 隔离(condition of being apart in space or time) [U]:D~only lends enchantment. 距离只会增加魅力。D~is no problem in the modern age. 在现代距离远近不算问题。

(4) 广袤的空间(large empty spaces) [C]:A vast~of water surrounded the ship. 船的四周是浩淼的水域。The~s stretched away as far as the eyes could see. 四周极目无垠。

(5) 冷漠,疏远(social separation or coldness in personal relationships) [C U]:Our last argument has produced a~between us. 上次的争论使我们之间的关系疏远了。There has been a great~between them since their quarrel. 自从上次吵架以来他们非常疏远了。Seeming~is often caused by shyness. 腼腆常常使他人觉得是冷漠。There was more~in his manner than before. 他的态度比以前冷漠了。〖同〗coldness, coolness;〖反〗warmth, friendliness, familiarity, closeness;

at a distance离开一定距离:The picture looks all right/better at a~. 这画离开一点(距离)看显得不错/更好。stand/live at a~(from...) 站/住在(离……)一定远的地方;

from a distance离开一定的距离:watch/look at sth from a~离开一定的距离注视/看;It looks beautiful from a~. 离开点看它很美。

keep one's distance (from) 1)(与……)保持一定距离:keep one's~from a dog/the edge 离狗/边缘远点;2) 冷淡,疏远:keep one's~from one's co-worker 对同事疏而远之;

keep sb at a distance 疏远:He always keeps others at a~. 他总是与人保持一定距离。

go the distance坚持到底:I doubt if he can go the~. 我怀疑他能否坚持到底。

←′distant adj;

vt(1) 冷淡,疏远(make sb less friendly or warm towards sb/sth) [T+n T+n+prep(from)]:The quarrel has~d them. 那次争吵使他们的关系疏远了。~voters from the party/young people from their families 使选民与该党/年轻人与家庭疏远;

(2) 使保持距离(make sb less involved with sb/sth) [T+n(oneself)+prep(from)]:~oneself from production/one's supporters 与生产/支持者保持一定距离;

(3) 超越(过)(go further or faster than) [T+n](=outdistance):The big black horse~d the others. 那匹大黑马把别的马甩在了后面。





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