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单词 尔诈我虞

尔诈我虞尔虞我诈ěr zhà wǒ yú

cheat and deceive each other; each tries to cheat or outwit the other; mutually deceive; mutual suspicion and deception/“……共产党内部一心一德,我们是离心离德,尔虞我诈! 唉!” (吴强《红日》517) “…The Communist Party is united within itself while we are divided among ourselves,cheating and deceiving each other.Ai!”/团结要是真正的团结,~是不行的。(《毛泽东选集》320) Unity must be genuine;deception will not do./……人类彼此充满了互相帮助、互成亲爱,没有尔虞我诈、互相损害、互相残杀和战争等等不合理的事情。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》29)…Mutual assistance and affection will prevail among men and there will be no such irrationalities as mutual suspicion and deception,mutual injury,mutual slaughter and war.
❍ 盟曰: “我无尔诈,尔无我虞。” (《左传·宣十五年》) The words of their covenant were,“We will not deceive you; do not you doubt us.”





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