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单词 胡说八道

胡说八道hú shuō bā dào

rubbish; sheer non sense; baloney; spinach; rave; talk nonsense (/stuff/rubbish/rot/twaddle); throw the bull
❍ 不吃酒则已,一吃就醉,一醉就~,骂人,惹是非,…… (李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—93) Every time you drink,you get drunk and start boast and curse and make trouble.
❍ 一位秃头鼠眼的老者,从此地经过,抬起头,指着广告~地乱骂: …… (李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—75)…a bald-headed old man with a pair of ratlike eyes,who was walking by,paused and looked up at the poster. After giving it a quick glance,with a finger levelled at the paper he broke into foolish ranting and curses;…/唉呀!~些什么?年轻轻说这种话,不怕作孽!(王汶石《风雪之夜》72) Oh,nonsense! You shouldn’t talk such rubbish! Aren’t you afraid of being struck by a bolt from the skies?/要是早知道他不过这么~,我就压根儿不去坐这么大半天受罪……(鲁迅《故事新编》101) If I’d known we’d be in for all that mumbo jumbo,I wouldn’t have gone to sit there for hours in agony. …/简直是疯子,满嘴的~!(郭沫若《屈原》103)He is mad,he is raving!/“你~! ……你想找揍?”(冯志《敌后武工队》92) “Rubbish! Are you looking for a beating?”/你怎么知道我们做生活不巴结!别~,到我们车间来看看。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—312) How do you know we haven’t been doing our work properly?You’re talking a lot of nonsense. You can come to our shop and have a look for yourself if you like.
❍ 阿祥是~! (茅盾《子夜》454) Ah Xiang’s talking a lot of rot!


talk nonsense; twaddle; rubbish;baloney

胡说八道hú shuō bā dào

没有根据或没有道理地瞎说。talk nonsense, lie in one’s teeth, throw the bull, blithering all my eye, a pile of shit, talk through one’s hat, drool to haver





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