释义 |
胡言乱语hú yán luàn yǔtalk nonsense; rave;talk wildly (/foolishly) ❍ 马福,你整天~些什么?(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》70) Ma,what nonsense are yougabbing about all day long?/“张婆婆,你这个妇道人家可不兴~呵,如今是‘一家犯法,十家连坐’!……”(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》10)“Don’t you go making up stories,Granny Xing. ‘If one family breaks the law,tenfamilies must go to jail’—don’t forget that. …”/戴宗连忙喝道:“铁牛,你这厮胡说!你今日既到这里,不可使你那在江州性儿,须要听两位头领哥哥的言语号令,亦不许你~,多嘴多舌。”(《水浒全传》518) In great hasteDai Zong shouted out. “Iron Ox,you speak like a fool! You are here now and you cannot act as youused to in Jiangzhou. You must hear the goodcommands of our two elder brother chiefs and indeedyou may not speak wildly and foolishly and talk whileothers are speaking.”/外人见押司在这里,多少干热的不怯气,~,放屁辣臊,……(《水浒全传》245) Peopleoutside saw you come here very often and beingjealous spread all kinds of nonsensical stories,andtried to make a stink. ❍ 你~,一句句都要下落; 丢下砖头瓦儿,一个个也要着地。(《水浒全传》289) You talklike a barbarian and a fool,and you ought not to saya word that is not true. Every clod and stone youdrop should strike the earth!/李固道: “主人误矣。常言道: ‘卖卜卖卦,转回说话’。休听那算命的~,只在家中,怕做甚么?” (《水浒全传》766) Li Gu said,“Mymaster,you do make a mistake in this. The proverb says,‘Fortune tellers sell their ware—true or false,what do they care!’ Do not listen therefore to thefoolish talk of those fortune tellers. Even though youstay in your home,what harm can come to you?” 胡言乱语hú yán luàn yǔ没有道理或丧失理智瞎说一气。talk nonsense, shoot off one’s mouth, twaddle, babble, balderdash, blather, ramble in one’s speech |