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单词 discover
discover/dɪs′kʌvə(r)/ vt [-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

(1) 发现(见)(find (a place scientific fact etc) by chance esp for the first time)[T+n T+that]:Columbus~ed America/the new continent in 1492. 哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲/新大陆。~a really nice place to have lunch/a super restaurant somewhere/a fly in one's coffee 发现一个用午餐的绝好去处/某处有一家上等餐馆/咖啡里有只苍蝇;Who~ed the planet/the galaxy/the deposit of oil? 谁发现的那个行星/星系/油田?Who~ed circulation of blood/penicillin/X-ray/electricity?谁发现了血液循环/盘尼西林/X射线/电?~that the disease was carried by rats 发现那种病的带菌者是老鼠;〖同〗find;〖反〗conceal;

(2) 发现(觉)(come to realize or know(a fact an answer etc)) [T+n T+that T+wh T+wh-inf C+n+to-inf pass C+n+-ing]:~the truth/the reason(for sb's behaviour)/one's mistake/one's error 发现了真实情况/(某人做事的)原因/自己的错误/自己的错误;~that it was too late to catch the train/one had been cheated/sb was excited 发现太晚了赶不上火车了/受骗/某人很激动;~who broke the window/what's going on/how sb had died 搞清楚是谁打破了窗户/正在发生什么事情/某人是如何死的;~how to open the box/how to start the engine 发现开那箱子/发动引擎的方法;~sb to be a good cook/to be quite untrustworthy 发现某人是个好厨师/完全不可信;~the powder to consist of harmless ingredients 发现那粉末的成份是无害的;be~ed to have been a spy 当过间谍的事让人发现了;~sb sitting near the fire/kissing one's wife 发现某人坐在火炉旁/在吻自己的妻子;〖同〗find out,detect,realize,notice,see;

→ dis′coverer n 发现者;dis′covery n;

【辨异】discoverinvent语意有别,不要弄混。discover指发现所不曾知道的、但存在着的事物,而invent(发明)则指创造出所不曾有过的新东西,如:Gilbert discovered electricity, but Edison invented the light bulb.(吉伯发现了电,而爱迪生发明了电灯泡。)





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