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surea. 1. safe,out of danger 安全的,脱离危险的。 △Gent.5.1.12:“we are sure enough.”我们就十分安全了。 △Mac.2.1.56:“Thou sure and firm-set earth,”你这安全而坚牢的大地。 △R.III.3.2.82(83): “The lords at Pomfret,when they rode from London,/ Were jocund,andsupposed their states were sure,”在庞弗雷特的那几位大人,当他们从伦敦骑马出发的时候,也是快快乐乐的,自认为他们的处境十分安全。 2. secure,to be counted on,reliable 有把握的,可指望的,可靠的。 △Ado.1.3.71(68):“You are both sure,andwill assist me?”你们两个都是可靠的,并且都愿意帮助我吧? △Wiv.5.5.248 (223): “she and I … / Are now sosure that nothing can dissolve us.”她和我现在更有把握,什么也不能把我们拆开。 △1H.IV.3.1.1:“These promi-ses are fair,the parties sure,”这些诺言很好,同盟者也都可靠。 3. unable to do harm,harmless 不能作恶的,无害的。 △2H.IV.2.1.29(24):“Good Master Fang,hold himsure.”好爪牙先生,把他牢牢抓住。 △1H.IV.5.4.126(124): “Therefore I’ll make him sure,yea,and I’llswear I killed him.”所以我要把他弄得安安生生的,不错,我还要发誓说是我杀死了他。 4. assured 感到放心的。 △H.V.1.2.8: “Sure (i. e. beassured),we thank you.”好说,谢谢你了。 5. confident 确信的。 be sure: be confident that you will,you may expect确信你肯定会…,你可以预期。 △3H.VI.5.5.48: “Ere yecome there,be sure to hear some news.”在你们去到那里之前,肯定会听到某些消息。 6. firm,stable,steady 牢固的,坚固的,稳定的。 △2H.IV.1.3.52:“Consent upon a sure foundation.”就坚固的基础达成一致意见。 △2H.VI.2.1.204(201):“Whose beamstands sure,”i. e. whose cross-bar is perfectly steadyor level. 它(法律天平)的横梁是完全平稳的。 7. secure,indissolubly joined,firmly united 牢固的,结合得牢不可破的,牢牢结合在一起的。 △ As.5.4.142(135):“You and you are sure together,”i. e. wedded,mar-ried. 你和你牢牢结合在一起。 8. accurate,infallible,unerring 准确的,确实可靠的,没有错误的。 △ Rom.2.4.67(61): “Sure wit!” i.e. Unerr-ing wit; indisputable cleverness; well said.说得好;讲得妙。 9. ❶ in safety,safe 平安无事,安全的。 ❷ unable to doharm,harmless 不能害人的,无害的。 △1H. IV. 5.3.47(46):“I have paid Percy,I have made him sure.”我已经把波西干掉了,我已经叫他安生下来了。
suread. 1. surely,assuredly,certainly 确实地,无疑地,一定地。 △As. 3.5.11: “’Tis pretty,sure,and very proba-ble,”这种话,当然,说得很巧妙,很动听。 △Tw.2.2.23(22):“She loves me sure.”她一定爱上我了。 △Ham.2.2.47: “Hunts not the trail of policy so sure / As ithath used to do.” 不像往常那样有把握地猎取到治理国家的踪迹。(按: Hunts及trail二词,系狩猎用语,表示波洛纽斯自比为猎犬。) △Lr.1.4.344(319): “Should sure to theslaughter.” i.e. Should certainly be sent to the slaugh-ter. 一定要被送去杀掉。 △Oth.3.4.139(140):“Some-thing sure of state,”一定是什么国家大事。 △1H.VI.2.1.47:“If not of hell,the heavens sure favour him.”如果他不是地狱里的魔鬼,上天一定支持他。 △H.VIII.1.3.15:“That,sure,they've worn out Christendom.”看来,基督教世界的一切服装他们都穿得不想穿了。 2. unfailingly. infallibly 可靠地,准确无误地。 △As.2.4.29:“As sure I think did never man love so”. 我准知道没有人像我这样热恋过。 3. securely. firmly安全地,牢固地。 △Mac.4.3.32:“Great tyranny,lay thou thy basis sure.” 不可 一世的暴政,打下你牢固的基础吧。 △2H.IV.4.3.81(75):“Blunt,lead him hence,and see you guard him sure.”布仑特,把他从这里带走,留心把他牢牢看住。 △2H.IV.4.5.201(202): “Yet though thou standest more sure than Icould do,/ Thou art not firm enough,”但是,虽然你站的地位比我更稳固,可也还是不够牢固。 △2H.VI.3.1.188:“Sirs,take away the Duke and guard him sure.”来人,把公爵带走,对他牢牢看守。 sure[ʃuə]adj.对…有把握的,稳当的,可靠的,一定的 ◇ as sure as千真万确 be supposed to应该 be sure and肯定 be sure of oneself有信心 be sure of确信 in short supply供应不足 in support of支援 in support后备的 make sure查明 sure enough果真 to be sure固然 ‖ sure batter有把握的击球员 sure-fire play稳妥的进攻战术 sure-winner drive肯定能得分的抽球 surely adv.一定,肯定,误必 sureshot n.神枪手 surety[ˈʃuəti],[ˈʃɔ:ti]n.保证人,担保,保证 surety bond履约保证 surety money保证金 surety obligation保证债务 suretyship n .保证人的资格(地位) |