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单词 distinction
distinction/dɪs′tɪ ŋkʃn/ n

(1) 区(差)别,不同(difference of contrast between two persons or things) [C U] [N(between)]:What is(are)the~(s) between theology and theosophy/prose and poetry/the male and female of the birds/the two cases? 神学和神智学/散文和诗歌/这种鸟的雄鸟和雌鸟/两个病例之间的区别是什么? There is a~between asking and begging/professional and manual workers/what he says and what he does. 请求和乞求/专业工作者和体力劳动者/他的言和行之间有差别。make/draw an exact (clear/fine)~between right and wrong/red and green/the two/two ideas/two arguments/all the meanings of a word 准确(清晰/精细)地区分正确与错误/红与绿/这两者/两种想法/两种论点/一个词的全部语义;make no~between rich and poor/because of race 不分贫富/种族;Death comes to all without~. 人人都一样会死。〖同〗difference, contrast;

(2) 1) 类(级,区)别(separation of things or people into different groups according to quality grade etc) [U](fml):The President shook hands with everyone without~of sex/age/rank. 总统和每个人握手,不分性别/年龄/级别。administer the law without~of persons 执法不分人;2) 特性(征)(detail that separates in this way) [C](fml):~s of birth/wealth 门第/财富的特征;

(3) 荣誉标志;称号;奖章,绶带(special mark or sign of honour; title; decoration) [C]:an academic/military~学术称号/军功章;win prizes and~s 赢得奖品和奖章;win/give (sb)/confer (on sb) a~for bravery 由于英勇而获得/给予/授予奖章;get/gain a~in an examination 在考试中得到/获得好分数;have (be given) the~of shaking hands with the President/sitting at the main table 荣幸地和总统握手/坐在主席台上;

(4) 非凡,卓越,突出 (quality of being unusual excellent or distinguished) [U]:a writer/painter/composer/man of high~卓越的作家/画家/作曲家/人;a novel/car of great~非凡的小说/与众不同的汽车; have the~of being the tallest in the class/being the first woman to swim the Channel 因是班里个子最高的/第一个泅渡英吉利海峡的妇女而受人瞩目;serve with~in the army 在军队里表现突出;pass one's examination with~出色地通过了考试;〖同〗excellence, superiority;

← dis′tinct adj





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