耗hàoⅠ ❶ (减损;消耗) consume;cost: ~ 油 consume a lot of oil;~ 了不少粮食 have consumed much grain;~ 资百万 cost a million yuan; 锅里的水快 ~ 干了。 The pot is boiling dry. ❷ [方] (拖延) waste time;dawdle: 别 ~ 着了,快走吧。 Stop dawdling and get going. Ⅱ ❶ (坏的音信或消息) bad news: 噩 ~ the sad news of the death of one's beloved ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 元 Hao Yuan ◆耗电量 power consumption; 耗电率 consumption rate; 耗电器 customer; 耗费 consume;expend;cost; 耗功 wasted work; 耗竭 exhaust;use up; 耗尽 exhaust;use up;deplete;exhaustion;depletion;consumption;burning up;impoverishment; 耗能型产品 energy-intensive products; 耗能型经济结构 energy-intensive economic structure; 耗热率 heat consumption rate;heat(ing) rate; 耗散 {物} dissipation;consumption;dissipate;dispersion; 耗水量 {水文} water consumption; 耗水率 water consumption rate; 耗思殚神 used all one's energy upon it; 耗损 wastage;consume;lose;waste; 耗血 hematozemia; 耗氧健身运动 aerobics; 耗氧量 consumed oxygen;oxygen consumption;oxygen uptake; 耗油量 oil consumption; 耗子 [方] rat;mouse; 耗子见到猫 (as terrified as) a mouse confronting a cat |