单词 | example |
释义 | example/ ɪɡ′zɑ:mpl, AmE -′zæm-/ n (1) 例子,实例 (something that shows clearly or illustrates a fact) [C]:~of sb's selfishness 某人自私自利的例子; give(sb)/cite an~of (给某人)举个例子; have~s of... 有 …… 的实例; write an~on the blackboard 在黑板上写一个例句; That was but one~of his kindness. 那仅仅是他善良的一个例子。 (2) 范例,样(标)本 (something that represents other things of the same kind;specimen) [C]:an~of his handwriting/of Turner's painting/of early Greek sculpture/of how to design a building 他的书法/特纳绘画/希腊早期雕塑/如何设计建筑的范例(典范); 〖同〗 sample,illustration,representation;〖反〗contradiction; (3) 榜样,模范,典型(person or thing that is a pattern to be copied; model) [C,U]:an~of dedication 奉献的典型; be an~to the rest of the class (us all)/for someone to follow 为班上的其他同学(我们大家)作出榜样/成为某人学习的榜样; follow one's~/the~of sb 以某人为榜样; take sb/sth as an~以某人为榜样/以某事为典型;look up to sb as a shining~将某人尊为模范; 〖同〗pattern,model,standard; (4) 儆戒;警告 (someone or something that serves or is intended to serve as a warning) [C]: send sb to prison as an~to the others 将某人关进监狱以儆戒别人; (be)meant to be~s to sb 想(将其)作为对某人的儆戒; Let his punishment be an~to you. 让他所受的惩罚成为对你的儆戒吧。 (take)for example 以 …… 为例:Several European countries have no sea-coast—for~, Switzerland and Austria. 有几个欧洲国家没有海岸线,比如瑞士和奥地利。 make an example of sb 惩罚某人以儆他人:The teacher made an~of the boy who copied from another student during a test. 老师惩罚了那个在考试中抄袭别人试卷的孩子以儆戒其他学生。 set (sb) an example/set an example to sb 树立榜样:You should set a good~to your younger sister. 你应该为妹妹作个好榜样。 teach by example 以身作则:In doing so,they mean to teach by~. 他们这样做是要以身作则。 without example (beyond example) 没有先例:Such cold weather in July is without~in our town. 7月的天气这么冷在我们这个镇子还没有先例。 【辨异】 1) example与sample和specimen均指样品(本)。example 表示任何人或事物的普遍的原则或性质,如:a typical example of Gothic architecture (哥特式建筑的典型);sample 指可以说明整个事情性质的某件东西或某类东西的一部分,如:take a sample for examination and test (取样检验);而specimen则通常指科研目的的样品,如:collect insect specimens (收集昆虫标本)。2) example与case1、instance和illustration的区别见CASE1。 |
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