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单词 estimate
estimate/′estimeɪt/ v [-d,-d / ɪd/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]; n /′estɪmɪt, ′-mǝt/

v (1) 估计(量),预算 (make a judgment as to the likely or approximate costquantityor extent of; calculate roughly) [T+nT+n+prep (at),C+n+to-infT+thatT+wh-infT+wh]:~the value of sth/one's ability/one's chances of escape 估计某物的价值/某人的能力/某人逃跑的可能性;~the cost of the job (the lost) at/to be about $100,000 那项工作的费用(损失)为/大约在10万美元左右; ask sb to~for the repair(s) to/of sth 让某人估计一下修理某物的费用;~that ten people will come to the picnic/that the meeting would take two hours 估计有10个人来野餐/会议会持续两个小时; It is~d that the project would cost $60,000. 据估计那项工程要耗费六万美元。Can you~how long the rope is? 你能估计出那根绳子有多长吗? 〖同〗 evaluate,judge,calculate,value,figure;

(2) 评价(断) (form an idea or judgment of how good something is) [I+prep (for)]: be highly~d among some people 受到人们的高度评价; 〖同〗think,consider,believe,conclude;

n (1) 估计(价,量,算) (calculation of the probable amountcostsizeetc of something) [C]:ask the garage for an~让汽车修理厂估算一下(费用);give sb a(n) (rough)~of sth 为某人(粗略地)估计一下某物; The expert's~is that... 专家的估价是……; This is an~of ... 这是对 …… 的估计; make an~of sth 对某事做出估计; exceed an~超出估计; submit a detailed~提出详细的估算;by rough~据粗略估计; at a moderate~按适中的估计; 〖同〗evaluation,estimation,calculation;

(2) 估价单; 预算书 (statement of what certain work will cost made by a builderrepairmanbusinessmanetc)[C]:The painter's~for painting the house was $1500. 油漆工给那所房子刷油漆开的估价单为 1500 美元。

(3) 评价,判断 (judgment or opinionas of the qualities or character of a person or thing) [C]: form an~of sb's abilities/of sb's character 对某人的能力/品格做出评价; an intelligence~情报判断; Am I right in my~of him? 我对他的评价是否正确? What is your~of his ability? 你对他的能力的评价如何? 〖同〗 opinion,judgment,reckoning,thinking,view,belief;

→͵esti′mation n 估计,判断;′esti͵mative adj 有估计能力的,能做出判断的;′estimator n 估计者 (量);

【辨异】estimateappraiseevaluate都指对某人或某物的尺寸、重量或价值的估计。estimate 指对某物的数量、数目、价值或对某人的知识、经验等做出估计,但结果不一定准确,如:He estimated the wall to be 15 feet tall. (他估计那堵墙有15英尺高。)appraise 指对某人某物的权威估计,暗示结果正确,不容置疑,如: Property is appraised for taxation. (对财产进行评估以便课税。) evaluate 则表示不是用金钱的标准来衡量某人或某物的价值,如: We should not evaluate people by their clothes. (我们不能以衣着取人。)





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