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单词 武术

武术wǔ shùMartial Art

八段锦 [bā duàn jǐn] eight trigrams boxing
耙 [pá] harrow
白鹤亮翅 [bái hè liànɡ chì] the crane spreads its wings
摆架式 [bǎi jià shì] posing
扳腿 [bān tuǐ] leg stretching
半蹲 [bàn dūn] semi-crouch
半胜 [bàn shènɡ] half-point
半胜合为一胜 [bàn shènɡ hé wéi yī shènɡ] earn one point with two techniques
抱虎归山 [bào hǔ ɡuī shān] embracing the tiger and returning to the mountain
北向练拳 [běi xiànɡ liàn quán] start facing north
本无 [běn wú] original non-being; non-existence
本性 [běn xìnɡ] self-nature
本有 [běn yǒu] original being; existence
鼻根 [bí ɡēn] root of nose
比武 [bǐ wǔ] tourney
闭气 [bì qì] impeding the breath; occluding qi
臂扼法 [bèi è fǎ] arm-hold
鞭 [biān] whip
擘面掌 [bò miàn zhǎnɡ] thrusting forth the palm of the hand
不丢顶 [bú diū dǐnɡ] static & dynamic equilibrium
不动三昧地 [bú dònɡ sān mèi dì] nirvikalpa samadhi
不守而守 [bù shǒu ér shǒu] guard without guarding
叉 [chā] fork
叉一字腿 [chā yí zì tuǐ] split
缠 [chán] to adhere and lift
缠脚 [chán jiǎo] leg of contestant coiled against a leg of his opponent
缠脚摔法 [chán jiǎo shuāi fǎ] throwing by coiling the legs
出神 [chū shén] ecstasy
出手 [chū shǒu] stretching out one’s hand
杵 [chǔ] pestle
储气 [chǔ qì] reserve air
踹腿 [chuài tuǐ] heel kick
锤 [chuí] hammer
纯任自然 [chún rèn zì rán] in accordance with nature
搓手 [cuō shǒu] rubbing hands
打虎势 [dǎ hǔ shì] hitting the tiger
打坐 [dǎ zuò] meditation
打镖 [dǎ biāo] throwing darts
大弯刀 [dà wān dāo] kukri
大槌 [dà chuí] maul
带动 [dài dònɡ] forced motion
带劲 [dài jìn] propelled movement
丹田 [dān tián] hypogastrium; dan tian; lower abdomen
单鞭 [dān biān] single whip
单鞭下式 [dān biān xià shì] single whip squatting down
单飞腿 [dān fēi tuǐ] single flying kick
单盘坐 [dān pán zuò] half-lotus sitting position
弹腿 [tán tuǐ] leg snap
荡动 [dànɡ dònɡ] moving forward and backward
刀 [dāo] knife
刀枪不入 [dāo qiānɡ bú rù] Achillean
倒撵猴 [dào niǎn hóu] stepping back to drive the monkey away
倒下 [dǎo xià] falling
道法自然 [dào fǎ zì rán] The Tao /Way follows nature.
点穴 [diǎn xué] hitting a vital point
垫脚跟 [diàn jiǎo ɡēn] heel raise
动功 [dònɡ ɡōnɡ] active course
动力 [dònɡ lì] momentum
动态 [dònɡ tài] active; dynamic
动中体味 [dònɡ zhōnɡ tǐ wèi] awaken during activity
抖跗 [dǒu fū] shaking the instep
督脉 [dū mài] du pulse; the Governing Vessel
短腰刀 [duǎn yāo dāo] hanger
蹲马档 [dūn mǎ dànɡ] deep knee bend
蹲坐 [dūn zuò] squat
盾 [dùn] shield
返听 [fǎn tīnɡ] listening to oneself; withdrawal of one’s attention
分心 [fēn xīn] abstraction
拂腰 [fú yāo] sweeping the waist
斧 [fǔ] axe
高探马 [ɡāo tàn mǎ] gao tan ma (high pat on a horse)
根钝慧浅 [ɡēn dùn huì qiǎn] poor roots; poor background; shallow understanding
跟进法 [ɡēn jìn fǎ] follow-up step
功夫 [ɡōnɡ fu] kungfu
功架 [ɡōnɡ jià] kung chia (task frame work)
弓步式 [ɡōnɡ bù shì] front-weighted posture
弓形蹲 [ɡōnɡ xínɡ dūn] snake crouching
钩 [ɡōu] hook
勾手 [ɡōu shǒu] hooking hands
勾腿 [ɡōu tuǐ] inner-leg kick
拐(棍) [ɡuǎi(ɡùn)] staff; stick
观想 [ɡuān xiǎnɡ] visualization
跪仰 [ɡuì yǎnɡ] kneeling with the body bending backward
棍 [ɡùn] cudgel; staff; stick
国术 [ɡuó shù] national gymnastics; Chinese Kungfu
海底捞针 [hǎi dǐ lāo zhēn] getting the needle at the bottom of the sea
寒鸡式 [hán jī shì] cold rooster posture
合太极 [hé tài jí] he tai ji (conclusion of tai ji)
后天坐 [hòu tiān zuò] acquired posture
后仰 [hòu yǎnɡ] bending backward
呼气 [hū qì] exhaling
化解 [huà jiě] neutralizing
环 [huán] ring
幻境 [huàn jìnɡ] illusion
幻象 [huàn xiànɡ] illusion
回复原位 [huí fù yuán wèi] keep in the center
回身蹬脚 [huí shēn dēnɡ jiǎo] turning and kicking with the heel
昏沉 [hūn chén] torpor; dazed
活步推手 [huó bù tuī shǒu] pushing hands with active steps
火功 [huǒ ɡōnɡ] endeavor
火候 [huǒ hòu] endeavor
集成 [jí chénɡ] mass integration
戟 [jǐ] halberd
寂然不动 [jì rán bú dònɡ] quiescence
尖短刀 [jiān duǎn dāo] serpent’s tongue
剪扼法 [jiǎn è fǎ] scissors-hold
健身祛病 [jiàn shēn qū bìnɡ] improve the health & get rid of disease
剑 [jiàn] sword
较量 [jiào liànɡ] measuring
接劲 [jiē jìnɡ] receiving energy
金鸡独立 [jīn jī dú lì] the golden pheasant stands on one leg
进步法 [jìn bù fǎ] forward step
进境 [jìn jìnɡ] attain a certain level of self-culture
精力 [jīnɡ lì] energy; vigor
静功 [jìnɡ ɡōnɡ] passive course
静寂境 [jìnɡ jì jìnɡ] nirvana
静态 [jìnɡ tài] inactive; static
静中悟 [jìnɡ zhōnɡ wù] awaken during inactivity
静坐 [jìnɡ zuò] (transcendental) meditation /TM
九节鞭 [jiǔ jié biān] iron chain
绝招 [jué zhāo] killing blow
开悟 [kāi wù] muksha; enlightenment
看相 [kàn xiànɡ] palmistry; fortune-telling
靠 [kào] leaning forward
可挠性 [kě náo xìnɡ] pliability
空手道 [kōnɡ shǒu dào] karate
宽心 [kuān xīn] broading the mind
狼牙棒 [lánɡ yá bànɡ] mace
勒颈法 [lēi jǐnɡ fǎ] strangling technique; stranglehold
立地如生根 [lì dì rú shēnɡ ɡēn] firm footing
立定式 [lì dìnɡ shì] starting posture
立竿见影 [lì ɡān jiàn yǐnɡ] Put up a pole under sunshine and you’ll see its shadow.
连 [lián] lian (to support and prevent from falling)
连法 [lián fǎ] joining
连根拔起 [lián ɡēn bá qǐ] uprooting
两手叉腰 [liǎnɡ shǒu chá yāo] akimbo
领悟 [lǐnɡ wù] prarabdha
流星锤 [liú xīnɡ chuí] meteor hammer
轮锤 [lún chuí] tilt
落土植根 [luò tǔ zhí ɡēn] dropping to earth and taking root
矛 [máo] pike; spear
内方 [nèi fānɡ] toward the interior
内功 [nèi ɡōnɡ] internal work
内在定力 [nèi zài dìnɡ lì] inner control
内在体力 [nèi zài tǐ lì] internal physical
内在自我 [nèi zài zì wǒ] pratyagatman; interior self
黏法 [nián fǎ] sticking
念起 [niàn qǐ] have a thought
凝念 [nínɡ niàn] dharana; concentration
凝神 [nínɡ shén] concentrate one’s spirit
扭臂 [niǔ bèi] hand wrestle
扭打 [niǔ dǎ] tussling
平步式 [pínɡ bù shì] evenly-weighted posture
屏气 [bǐnɡ qì] holding the breath
气 [qì] qi; breath
气功 [qì ɡōnɡ] feat of strength; qi gong /kung; breathing exercise
气脉 [qì mài] qi channel
气也若丝 [qì yě ruò sī] The breath is drawn out like silk.
前俯 [qián fǔ] bending forward
浅呼吸 [qiǎn hū xī] shallow breathing
枪 [qiānɡ] spear; lance
鞘 [qiào] scabbard
擒手 [qín shǒu] grappling
求损 [qiú sǔn] investment in loss
拳打脚踢 [quán dǎ jiǎo tī] boxing and kicking
柔软性 [róu ruǎn xìnɡ] pliability
三叉戟 [sān chā jǐ] trident
三节棍 [sān jié ɡùn] three-jointed pike
散乱 [sǎn luàn] scattering of mind; confused thoughts
散手 [sǎn shǒu] free hand operations
山根 [shān ɡēn] root of nose
闪过 [shǎn ɡuò] glance off
扇通臂 [shàn tōnɡ bèi] spreading the arms like a fan
上步七星 [shànɡ bù qī xīnɡ] stepping forward to the seven stars of the Dipper
身坐如山 [shēn zuò rú shān] sit like a mountain
深呼吸 [shēn hū xī] deep breathing
神气相聚 [shén qì xiānɡ jù] spirit and breath come together
狮子坐 [shī zi zuò] lion position
十字摆莲 [shí zì bǎi lián] sweeping the “lotus” with one leg
十字手 [shí zì shǒu] crossing hands
石胆 [shí dǎn] stone ball
石锁 [shí suǒ] stone lock
手挥琵琶 [shǒu huī pí pɑ] playing the guitar
手镖 [shǒu biāo] dart
摔法 [shuāi fǎ] throwing technique
双重重心 [shuānɡ chónɡ zhònɡ xīn] double weighting
双飞腿 [shuānɡ fēi tuǐ] double flying kick
双风贯耳 [shuānɡ fēnɡ ɡuàn ěr] striking the opponent’s ears with both fists
双口斧 [shuānɡ kǒu fǔ] tribill
双口剑 [shuānɡ kǒu jiàn] two-edged sword
双盘 [shuānɡ pán] lotus position
双刃短剑 [shuānɡ rèn duǎn jiàn] anlace
顺乎自然 [shùn hū zì rán] in accordance with nature
槊 [shuò] spear; lance
死力 [sǐ lì] hard force (force from the bones)
松 [sōnɡ] relax
探劲 [tàn jìnɡ] interpreting strength
踢腿 [tī tuǐ] lifting the leg
提手 [tí shǒu] lifting the hands
提腿 [tí tuǐ] single-leg bending & rising
调气 [tiáo qì] controlling breathing
贴 [tiē] tie (to stick to horizontally)
贴法 [tiē fǎ] attaching
铁棍 [tiě ɡùn] iron rod
铁砂掌 [tiě shā zhǎnɡ] iron palm
听劲 [tīnɡ jìnɡ] listening to one’s strength
听息 [tīnɡ xī] listen to one’s breath
头顶 [tóu dǐnɡ] top of the head; crown
徒手 [tú shǒu] bare-handed
徒手防身 [tú shǒu fánɡ shēn] bare-handed self-defence
推手 [tuī shǒu] hand slap
退步法 [tuì bù fǎ] backward step
退步跨虎 [tuì bù kuà hǔ] stepping back to ride the tiger
退攻法 [tuì ɡōnɡ fǎ] withdraw-attack (to go forward by withdrawing)
臀腿 [tún tuǐ] hip turning
外功 [wài ɡōnɡ] external work
弯刀 [wān dāo] tulwar
弯弓射虎 [wān ɡōnɡ shè hǔ] bending the bow to shoot the tiger
武功 [wǔ ɡōnɡ] feat of arms
五禽戏 [wǔ qín xì] Five-Animal Exercises
吸气 [xī qì] inhaling
息 [xī] hsi; breath
息间歇 [xī jiàn xiē] stop the respiration
膝腿 [xī tuǐ] kneeling
下跨式 [xià kuà shì] single-leg squatting posture
仙人戟 [xiān rén jǐ] prickly cactus
小圆盾 [xiǎo yuán dùn] buckler
斜单鞭 [xié dān biān] single whip oblique
斜飞势 [xié fēi shì] diagonal flying posture
斜揽雀尾 [xié lǎn què wěi] grasping the sparrow’s tail obliquely
形上拳 [xínɡ shànɡ quán] metaphysical boxing
形意拳 [xínɡ yì quán] hsing i kungfu
形坐 [xínɡ zuò] physical posture/meditation
蓄劲 [xù jìnɡ] self-preserved strength
蓄力 [xù lì] self-preserved strength
悬空 [xuán kōnɡ] impendence
旋转手臂 [xuán zhuǎn shǒu bì] full wind-up
玄拳 [xuán quán] metaphysical boxing
压腹 [yā fù] squeezing the abdomen
偃月刀 [yǎn yuè dāo] simitar
仰转 [yǎnɡ zhuǎn] bending backward & turning
摇臂 [yáo bì] arm swing
一胜 [yī shènɡ] one point
以柔克刚 [yǐ róu kè ɡānɡ] conquering the unyielding with the yielding
硬力 [yìnɡ lì] hard force (force from the bones)
右分脚 [yòu fēn jiǎo] separating the right foot
右搂膝 [yòu lǒu xī] brushing the right knee
右搂膝拗步 [yòu lǒu xī ǎo bù] brushing the right knee and make a twisting step
右云手 [yòu yún shǒu] waving hands in the clouds right style
右转法 [yòu zhuǎn fǎ] turn to the right
原空位 [yuán kōnɡ wèi] original space position
原体位 [yuán tǐ wèi] original body position
钺 [yuè] battle-axe
运动路线 [yùn dònɡ lù xiàn] moving line
展功 [zhǎn ɡōnɡ] growth work
掌击 [zhǎnɡ jī] slapping
制肘法 [zhì zhǒu fǎ] applying bonelocks on the elbow
中国功夫 [zhōnɡ ɡuó ɡōnɡ fu] national gymnastics; Chinese Kungfu
肘底看捶 [zhǒu dǐ kàn chuí] looking at the fist under the elbow
捉牢法 [zhuō láo fǎ] grappling technique
姿势 [zī shì] posture
左分脚 [zuǒ fēn jiǎo] separating the left foot
左搂膝 [zuǒ lǒu xī] brushing the left knee
左搂膝拗步 [zuǒ lǒu xī ǎo bù] brushing the left knee and make a twisting step
左云手 [zuǒ yún shǒu] waving hands in the clouds left style
左转法 [zuǒ zhuǎn fǎ] turn to the left
坐步式 [zuò bù shì] back-weighted posture
坐转法 [zuò zhuǎn fǎ] low pivot
坐姿 [zuò zī] sitting position

武术wu shu

martial arts


wushu;traditional Chinese fighting arts


wushu;martial arts;kungfu
~表演wushu performance;martial arts show

武术wǔ shù

wushu; marshal arts





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:43:42