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单词 hand
hand/hænd/ n;vt [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1)手(part of the body at the end of the arm)[C]:hold/take sb's~(s) 握住/抓住某人的手;take/lead/seize sb by the~抓住/领着/紧抓住某人的手;have a gun/a knife in one's~手里拿着枪/刀;get a nasty cut in one's right~右手被重重地切了一下;hold sth in the palm of one's~把某物握在掌心里;
 (2)帮忙(helpassistance)[Ua~](infml):give sb a~with the ladder/the heavy table/the washing-up 帮某人搬梯子/抬沉重的桌子/洗餐具;want/need a~to move a cupboard 需要别人帮助搬碗橱;lend a~帮别人;
 (3)(时钟等的)指针(pointer on a clockwatch or machine)[C]:the second/the minute/the hour~秒/分/时针;
 (4) 1)工人,苦力(person who does certain kinds of work with his hands in a factory or on a farmetc)[C]:a farm/factory/ranch/machine~农场/工厂/大牧场/机械工人;hire/need/take on three new~s 雇用/需要/雇用三名新工人;be short of~s 缺少人手;〖同〗 labourer,worker;〖反〗employer; 2)船(海)员(sailor on a ship)[C]:All~s on deck!全体船员上甲板!
 (5)手艺,才能(skill in using one's hands)[Ua~]:try one's~at editing the staff magazine尝试自己编辑职工杂志的才能;have a light~with cakes很会做蛋糕;a~for wood work会做木制品的手艺;
 (6) 1)(纸牌游戏中)一手牌(set of playing card dealt to a person)[C]:have a good/poor/bad~有一副好/劣/坏牌;a winning~一副赢牌; 2)牌戏的一局(one round or section in a game of cards)[C]:play/have one more~再玩一局;play a couple of~s of poker玩几盘扑克牌;
 (7)字(手)迹,书法(handwriting)[Ca~]:have (write) a good/legible/beautiful/clear~字写得很好/清楚/漂亮/清晰;write in a neat/small/flowing~字迹整洁/小巧/流畅;(letter/writing) be in sb's own/sb's mother's~(信/笔迹)出自某人自己/母亲的手笔;(picture/poem) show the~of a master(画/诗)表现出一位大师的手笔;〖同〗handwriting;
 (8)允婚(acceptance or pledge of partnershipas in marriage)[Ua~](fml):ask for sb's/give sb one's~in marriage向某人求婚/答应与某人结婚;give sb one's~on the merger答应与某人合并;gain/win sb's~得到某人对婚事的应允;decline sb's~婉言拒绝某人的求婚;be desirous of sb's~in marriage渴望和某人结婚;
 (9)鼓掌(applause)[Ua~]:give the little girl a good/big~为小女孩热烈鼓掌;get a good/big~获得热烈的掌声;ask for a~to welcome the singer 请大家鼓掌欢迎那位歌手;
 (10)一手之宽(约四英寸)(unit for the measurement of the height of a horse from the ground to the top of its shoulder)[C]:a horse of 15~s (high) 一匹有15掌高的马;
 at first/second hand直/间接地:see an accident at first~亲眼看见一场事故;acquire the news/information only (at) second~只是间接地获得这个消息/信息;
 (close/near) at hand 1)近在手边,在附近:live/be/keep a dictionary close at~住在附近/在附近/把字典放在手边; 2)即将发生(来临)(fml): The commencement day/His big moment is at~. 毕业典礼的日子即将来临/他将时来运转。
 at sb's hands 因(被)某人……:receive very rough treatment/have one's distress at the~s of the invaders受到入侵者的粗野对待/因入侵者而遭受极大痛苦;
 be a dab/an old/a pooretc hand (at sth)具有/具有/缺乏技艺或经验:be an old/a dab~at the job是干这工作的老手;be a bad~at making pastry做不好糕点;be a great~at decorating a house是装修房屋的巧匠;
 bring up by hand用奶瓶喂养:(lamb/child) have to be brought up by~(羊羔/小孩)不得不用奶瓶喂养;
 by hand 1)用手工做:be made/written by~手工制作/手写;work done/socks knitted/devices operated by~手工做的活儿/编织的袜子/操作的仪器; 2)人捎的:(note/parcel/letter) be delivered by~(便条/包裹/信)是托人捎到的;
 fall/come/get into sb's hands落入……手中:(town/secret plans/antique) fall/come/get into enemy's~s (城镇/秘密计划/古玩)落入敌人手中;
 from hand to hand从一人之手转到另一人之手,传递:The bricks were passed from~to~.一块块砖从一人之手传到另一人手里。
 give sb a free hand让……放手干:give the new director a free~in the matter/to reorganize the company让这位新厂长在这个问题上放手干/放手去重组公司;
 (be) hand in glove (with sb) 密切合作:be~in glove with gangsters to cheat and steal与歹徒勾结去欺骗和偷窃;
 hand in hand 1)手拉手:arrive/walk~in~手拉手到达/走;2)联合,连在一起:War and suffering/Ignorance and poverty often go~in~.(fig)战争与痛苦/无知与贫穷经常是分不开的。Dirt/Selfishness goes~in~with disease/unhappiness.肮脏与疾病/自私与不幸密不可分。
 hand over fist迅速而成功地:make/lose money~over fist大量地赚/赔钱;
 hands off (sth/sb)不要碰(干预):~s off sb's sandwiches/the grammar school 不要碰某人的三明治/不要干预这所文法学校;
 hands up 1)举一只手(表示同意或回答问题):H~s up,those who know the answer! 知道答案的人,请举手!2)举双手(表示投降):H~s up,or I'll shoot!举起手来,不然我开枪了!
 hand to hand短兵相接,肉搏战:~to~fighting/combat肉搏;fight the enemy~to~与敌人短兵相接;
 have/take a hand in sth参与(加),有一定责任:have a~in the affair参与了那件事;
 have one's hands full手头工作很忙:She is having her~s full already with the four children to look after. 她有四个孩子要照料,已经不得闲了。
 hold hands (with sb)携(挽)着手:holds~s with a girl与一个女孩手拉手;
 in hand 1)手头现有(随时可以使用):have some money/get three days/arrive with half an hour in~手头有些钱/有三天时间可以利用/到达时仍有半小时富余; 2)掌握,控制:have the situation/mob well in~完全控制着局势/一群暴徒;The situation is well in~.局势完全在掌控之中。3)(工作等)进行中:The matter is in~.事情正在处理中。
 in goodsafeetc hands得到很好的照顾(保护):leave the project in the capable~s of one's deputy manager 这个项目让有能力的副经理负责;
 keep one's hand in使技能不荒疏:I still sometimes play a game of billiards,just to keep my~in.有时我仍然打台球,只是为了不使技能荒疏。
 in one's/sb's hands在……手中;为……所控制(照料):The matter was in a solicitor's~s.这件事情由一个律师处理。 put the matter/leave too much power in the~s of the judges把这件事交给法官去办/给法官的权力过大;
 lay one's hands on sb/sth 1)找到,发现:lay one's~s on the papers找到那些文件; 2)逮(捉)住:lay one's~s on a thief捉住小偷;
 live from hand to mouth现挣现吃,仅够𫘯口:live from~to mouth on roots靠根茎勉强度日;
 off one's hands 不再由……照管或负责:get sb to take the business off one's~s 让某人替自己管这个企业;have the sick dog taken off sb's~s by the doctor 让医生照料这条病狗;
 on hand手边(头)有……;在跟前:keep a certain amount of money/have one's dictionary on~in case... 把一笔钱/自己的词典放在手边,以备…… Vacation will be on~.假期将至。
 on one's hands 由……负责处理(照管):have a lot of work/five children on one's hands有许多工作等着做/有五个孩子需要抚养;
 on the one hand...on the other (hand)... 一方面……另一方面……:On the one~I have to work,on the other~,I have a great many visitors. 一则我必须工作,再则我有很多的客人。
 out of hand 1)无法控制,不可收拾:(situation/angry crowd) get out of~(局势/愤怒的人群)变得无法控制;2)立即:shoot the bandits/put the plan into effect out of~立刻向歹徒们射击/把计划付诸实施;
 play into sb's hands 干对某人(对手)有利的事:He played right into their~s when he started selling shares in the company.他开始转卖公司股份,正好做了对对手有利的事。
 take sb/sth in hand管制(教):Dreadful children/Horses must be taken in~.捣蛋的孩子/马匹必须调教。Take the export department in~.管起出口部。
 throw in one's hand (infml)放弃(正在做的事):He saw he was losing the fight,so he decided to throw in his~.他看出自己要输掉这场战斗,就决定放弃了。
 to hand 1)在附近(手头):have the paper/information to~手头有这个文件/掌握这个情况;Tools are to~.工具就在手边。2)收到:have sb's letter to~收到了某人的来信;
 turn one's hand to sth(能)做(承担):turn one's~to any kind of job/manual work能做任何工作/体力劳动;
 →-͵handed adj 有……手的;用……手(做事)的;′handful n 一把;少量;′handbag n 手提包;′hand-baggage(AmE.′hand-luggage) n手提行李;′handball n 手球运动;′hand-barrow n(两轮)手推车;′handbill n 传单;′handbook n 手册,指南;′handbrake n(汽车)手刹车;′hand-cart n 手推车;′handclap n 拍手,鼓掌;′hand cluffs n 手铐;vt 给……戴手铐; ′handful n 一把;少数;′hand-grenade n 手榴弹;′hand-gun n手枪;͵hand-′held adj 手提(便携)的;′handhold n 可用手抓住的东西;͵handmade adj 手工做的;′hand maid,′hand-maiden n 女仆;͵hand-′picked adj 精选的;′handrail n 扶手,栏杆;handsaw n 手锯;′hand-shake n 握手;hands-′on adj 实践(习)的;′handspring n 翻跟头;′handstand n 手倒立;′handwriting n 书写;笔体;′handwritten adj 手写的;′handy adj 手边的,近便的;便于使用的,方便的;
 vt 交,传递(give from one's own hand into sb else's)[T+n+advD+n+nD+n+prep (to)]:~(a)round chocolates把巧克力分给大家;~sb a time-table/newspaper递给某人一份时刻表/一份报纸;~a glass of beer to grandpa 把一杯啤酒递给祖父;〖同〗 pass;
 hand down (to)(v adv) 1)(把传统,遗产等)传下来(vt):be~ed down in one's family for generations/from father to son在家族中代代相传/从父亲传到儿子;(traditions/rare antiques)be~ed down to sb from one's fathers(传统/稀世古玩)从父辈传下来;2)正式公布(尤AmE):~down a budget/verdict正式公布预算/判决;
 hand in (to)(v adv)提交(vt):~in sb's examination papers/a composition交考卷/作文;
 hand on (to)(v adv)送(传)交(vt):~on a magazine/a photograph to sb 把一本杂志/一张照片转交给某人;
 hand out (to)(v adv)分发(vt):~out pencils to everyone in the class/leaflets to the people in the street给班上每个人发铅笔/向街上的人发放传单;
 hand over (to)(v adv) 1)移交(权利,职位等)(vt):~over power/one's business to sb's deputy/one's son将权力移交给某人的代表/把自己的企业交给儿子; 2)交给(vt):~sb's weapons/the jewels over交出武器/珠宝;~a thief/a swindler over to the police将小偷/诈骗犯送交警察;
 hand it to sb给予表扬(infml):He's done well! You've got to~it to him.他干得很出色,你应该表扬他。
 →′hand-me-downs(=′reach-me-downs) n 传给某人的旧物(不要的东西);′hand-out n 施舍物,救济品;免费散发的传单;送给新闻界刊登的声明;教师分发的复印材料;′hand-over n 移交(时期);
 【辨异】on the other handon the contraryin contrast 的区别见CONTRARY。





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