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❶ (周朝国名) Qin, a state in the Zhou Dynasty
❷ (朝代) the Qin Dynasty (221-206 B.C.)
❸ (陕西的别称) another name for Shaanxi Province
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 韬玉 Qin Taoyu
◆秦艽 large-leaved gentian; the bark of ash; Fraxinus bungeana; 秦晋之好 (to ensure perpetual) alliance between the two families by marriage; (to contract) a lifelong alliance (with sb.) by marriage; (of two families) become relatives by marriage; marriage between two families; marital connection of two families; relation of two families by marriage; The amity between Qin and Jin (sealed by a marriage alliance between the two royal families).; 秦镜高悬 The mirror of Qin hung on high — perspicacious decisions in deciding criminal cases; 秦陵兵马俑 figurines of soldiers and horses from the Qin Mausoleum; 秦岭 Qinling Mountains; 秦皮 the bark of ash; 秦腔 Shaanxi opera, popular in the northwestern provinces; 秦篆 an ancient style of calligraphy adopted in the Qin Dynasty





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