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单词 hang
hang/hæ ŋ/ vhung,hung/hʌ ŋ/ or -ed,-ed/d/]; n

v (1) 1)悬,挂(put sth in a position above the floor or ground on a hookrailetc)[I+prepI+advT+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:(picture)~over the mantle(图片)挂在壁炉上方;(swing)~from a tree(秋千)吊在树上;~curtains/laundry/a set of framed prints 挂窗帘/洗的衣服/一套加框的复制画作;~a painting in the hall/sb's coat on the hook/some washing on a line把油画挂在大厅里/上衣挂在钩子上/一些洗的衣服挂在绳子上;~sb's coat up on the hook/washing out in the garden把某人的上衣挂在衣钩上/洗好的衣服挂到外面花园里; 2)垂,吊,挂((of clothclothingetc) drapefall or flowesp in a specified manner)[I+advI+prep]:The skirt~s well.裙子垂摆做得很好。(curtains)~in folds(窗帘)呈折叠状垂着;
 (2)晾干,(供食用)(leave meatbirdsetc hanging until in the right condition for eating)[IT+n]:Pheasant~s for a few days. 野鸡一般晾几天。~meat/hares把肉/野兔挂起来风干;
 (3) 1)固定(挂)在墙上,悬挂展出(be fixed to a wall;show a set of paintings publicly)[IT+n,通常pass]:(sb's works/paintings)~in most major museums(某人的作品/绘画)悬挂在大多数主要的博物馆内;His pictures were hung in an important gallery.他的画挂在一个重要的画廊里展出。2)装饰(furnish or decorate with sth suspended)[T+n+prep (with),尤pass]:The room was hung with drapery/tapestries/pictures.这个房间装饰着褶帐/挂毡/绘画。
 (4)贴(墙纸等)(fix (wall paper) to a wall)[T+n]:~wallpaper with the pattern upside down把带图案的壁纸倒贴;
 (5)1)绞(吊)死(kill (a criminaloneself) by having a rope put round the neck)[T+nT+n+prep]:be~ed for murder/by the posse因谋杀罪被绞死/被武装队绞死;~oneself from a beam在一横梁上上吊; 2)被处以绞刑(be killed in this way)[I]:~for murder因犯谋杀罪被处以绞刑;
 (6)安装(门的铰链)(fix (a door) in position on hinges)[T+n]:~a door安装门;
 (7)(使)下垂(向下弯曲)((cause to) bend or droop or fall downwords)[I+prepI+advT+n]:The wallpaper was~ing off the wall.壁纸从墙上垂落下来。(sb's hair/dog's tougue)~down/out(某人的头发/狗的舌头)垂/耷拉下来;~one's head in shame/sorrow 羞愧/悲伤地低下头;〖反〗lift,raise;
 (8)悬在空中(remain in the air)[I+prep(above/over)]: (polluted air)~over the city 污染的空气笼罩着城市; (smog)~in the sky 烟雾飘在空中;
 (9)诅咒(damn sth)[T+n](infml):H~it all! 岂有此理!I'll be~ed if I do any such thing.如果我做这样的事,我该死。
 go hang 见鬼去吧,去他的(sl):As long as his own interests are served,those of other people may go~.只要符合他自己的利益,别人的事他才不管呢。
 hang by a hair/a (single) thread千钧一发:The sick man's life was~ing by a single thread.病人的生命危在旦夕。
 hang fire延迟;犹豫不决:(project/scheme/plans)~fire(项目/方案/计划)拖延下来;
 hang in the balance安危(成败)关头:(sb's life/government's future)~in the balance (某人的生命/政府的未来)未卜;
 hang about/around (v prep/adv)徘徊,闲逛(vt & vi)(infml):~about the town square/the street corner 在城市广场/街拐角处徘徊;
 hang back (from)(v adv)退缩,踌躇不前(vi):~back from the fire/taking part in the discussion见到火退缩不前/参加讨论会犹豫不决;
 hang on (v adv) 1)抓紧(牢)(vi):Just~on till I get help.抓牢了,等我找到帮手再松手。2)稍候(vi)(infml):H~on a minute,I'll come!稍等,我马上来! 3)不挂断(电话)(vi):H~on a moment/second/while,I'll call him. 等一下,不要挂断,我去叫他。4)坚持下去(vi):It's hard work,but if you~on,you'll succeed in the end. 这是件艰难的工作,但是如果你坚持下去,你最终会成功的。
 hang on (v prep)取决于(vt):The success of the peace talks~s on agreement on a few important points. 和平会谈的成功取决于对一些重要问题达成一致意见。
 hang on to (v adv prep) 1)紧握(抓)住(vt):The child hung on to its mother's apron.孩子紧抓着母亲的围裙。2)保存(留,有)(vt):~on to the shares in the company保留公司的股份;
 hang out (v adv) 1)常去;居住(vi)(infml):~out at the café/in an old house 常去咖啡馆/常住在一所老房子里;2)晾(洗的衣服)(vt):~out the washing/shirts晾洗的衣服/衬衣;
 hang over (v prep)笼罩,威胁着(要发生)(vt):The prospect of defeat~s over him. 失败的前景威胁着他。A fearful danger~s over his head. 巨大的危险降临到他的头上。
 hang together (a adv) 1)相互支持,结合在一起(vi):If we all~together,our plan will succeed. 如果我们大家相互支持,我们的计划就会成功。2)符合(vi):This plan doesn't~together,and I don't see how it can work.这项计划缺乏连贯性,我看不出它怎么能行得通。
 hang up (on)(v adv) 1)挂断电话(vt):~up the receiver挂上话筒;~up on sb不等某人说完便挂断电话; 2)被(困难)拖延(vt,常pass):The plan was/got hung up by the illness of some of the actors.这项计划因一些演员生病而被推迟。
 be/get hung up (about/on)(因……而)精神不安:be hung up on the guy/one's mother 迷恋上那个小伙子/在母亲面前忐忑不安;be hung up about being alone因孤单独处而心神不安;
 →′hanging n 绞死;′hangings n 帘,帷幔;′hanger-on n 奉承(讨好)者;′hang-gliding n悬挂滑翔;′hang-glider n 悬挂滑翔用的风筝形滑翔器;′hang-man n 刽子手;′hang-out n 居住处;常去的地方;′hang-up n 难以摆脱的烦恼;
 n 悬挂(下垂)的方法(way in which sthesp materiala dressetcfalls naturally or hangs)[Uthe~]: the~of a skirt/a coat/curtains裙子/上衣/窗帘下垂的样子;
 get the hang of sth 1)学会做法,掌握诀窍(infml):get the~of a job/the computer学会一项工作的干法/计算机的操作方法;2)理解……的意思:get the~of the problem/sb's argument/what sb was saying 懂得这个问题/某人的论点/某人说的话;
 not care/give a hang (about sth/sb)毫不在乎(infml):do not give a~about football 对足球的输赢并不在乎;
 【用法】hang有两个基本含义:1)挂,如:to hang a picture(挂一幅画); 2)绞(吊)死,如:to hang a man(将一个人处以绞刑)。注意:这两种语义的过去式和过去分词是不一样的,如:Have you hung the drapes yet?(你挂上窗帘了吗?) The stage coach robber was hanged at dawn.(公共马车的抢劫犯在黎明时被绞死。)
 【注意】hanger指挂东西的人或挂钩:Hang your coat on this hanger.(把你的上衣挂在挂钩上。)hangar是飞机棚(库),例如:The plane was wheeled into the hangar for repairs.(飞机滑进飞机库去修理。)





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