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单词 鹑衣百结

鹑衣百结悬鹑百结chún yī bǎi jié

be clad in rags; be dressed in tatters;be worn to a thread;in (one’s) rags and tatters; in patched clothes; one’s clothes are as ragged as a quail’s tail
❍ 经年至茅屋,妻子衣百结。(杜甫《北征》) A Whole year since I last came home,|Now finding my wife in patched clothes;…/逾年,达金陵,悬鹑百结,…… (《聊斋志异·张诚》250) A year had passed away before he reached Nanjing,and his clothes were all in tatters—as ragged as a quail’s tail,…

鹑衣百结chún yī bǎi jié

鹑:鹌鹑;鹑衣:比喻破烂的衣裳;结:打成结子连起来。形容衣裳非常破烂。ragged clothes, in rags, be worn to a thread, very poor, bedraggled dress like a beggar’s





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更新时间:2025/1/19 18:28:28