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单词 have
have2/hæv,həv/ vt has/hæz,həz/;had,had/hæd,həd/; -eing /-ɪ ŋ/][不用于prog

(1)有(possess or own) [T+n](BrE中常用have got):~a new car/a big house 有一辆新车/一座大房子;How much money do you~?(How much money~you got?)你有多少钱?Do you~(Have you got) a yacht? 你有游艇吗?

(2)有;表现出(own as a quality; display) [T+nT+n+prepC+n+adj]:~a lot of courage/a good memory/a quick temper 有极大的勇气/很好的记忆力/暴躁的脾气;~some sort of an English accent 有点英国口音;The house has five rooms. 这房子有五个房间。This coat has no pockets. 这件上衣没有口袋。~got a cut on one's back 背上有条刀口;~a tooth loose/missing 一颗牙齿松了/没了;

(3)有(表示一种关系)(indicating a relationship) [T+n]:~one brother and two sisters 有一个弟弟,两个妹妹;Does she~any friends? 她有朋友吗?How many children~they?他们有几个孩子?

(4)(能够)运(利)用((be able to) make use of or exercise sth) [T+n]:~no real power/less responsibility 没有实权/较少责任;~the authority to send sb home 有权力把某人打发回家;H~you got time to phone her?你有时间给她打电话吗?

(5)心存,怀有(keep or feel in the mind) [T+n]:~doubts about sth/reason for thinking.../hope of finding sth 对某事有怀疑/有理由认为……/有希望找到……;~the impression that... 有……的印象;Do you~(H~you got) any idea where she lives? 你知道她住在哪里吗?I~your idea now. 现在我明白你的意思了。

(6)经受(结果)(experience the results of sb's actions) [T+n+ing]:~orders coming in at the rate of 10 an hour 每小时接到10份订单;~(got) people phoning up from all over the world 收到了来自世界各地的电话;

(7)患病(suffer from (an illness or a disease)) [T+n]:~(got) a bad cold/a headache/a bad back/appendicitis 患重感冒/头痛/背痛/阑尾炎;Have you ever had colds this year? 你今年得过感冒吗?

(8)接受(结果)(take or accept (sb) in a specified function) [C+n+n/adj]:~Mr.Smith as treasurer/our spokesman 接受史密斯先生当财务主管/我们的发言人;

(9)抓住,展示,表现(be holding or displaying in a specified way) [T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:~got sb by the collar 抓住某人衣领;~one's back to the camera 后背冲着照相机;~one's head down 低着头;

(10)意识到(一种责任,必要性)(be aware of (sth) as a duty or necessity)[T+nT+n+to-inf]:~a lot of work to do/a big family to feed/a suggestion to make 有很多工作要做/一大家人要养活/一个建议要提;I must go — I~a meeting to attend. 我必须走了——我要去参加一个会议。

(11)表现(显示)出(show or demonstrate (a quality) by one's action)[T+n+to-inf]:~the impudence/the nerve to do sth 有脸皮/胆子做某事;Would you~the goodness to help me with my suitcase?请帮我拿一下提箱好吗?

(12)照料,看管(take care of; look after (for a limited period))[T+n]:~(got) the neighbour's dog (while they are away)/one's grandchildren (on weekends)/one's old parents (in winter) (邻居外出时)照看邻居的狗/(周末)照看孙子们/(冬天)让老父老母来住;

have it (that) 据谣传;声称:Gossip has it that Mary is getting married. 据传言,玛丽要结婚了。He will~it that my father promised him a place in the firm when he had finished his training. 他声称我父亲曾答应他完成培训后,给他在公司安排个位置。

have (got) it/that coming 有预感(坏事将发生):We weren't surprised when he lost his job — he'd had it coming (to him) for a long time. 他丢掉工作我们并不吃惊——他早就应该这样了。

have it in for sb 蓄意惩罚,伺机报复 (infml):The manager has had it in for Jack ever since that mistake in the accounts was discovered. 自从在账目中发现那个错误,经理一直寻机惩罚杰克。

have it in one (to do sth)有能力(才干) (infml):We know you~it in you to win. 我们知道你有取胜的本事。

have sth on sb 有证据(把柄)表明某人有罪恶(无pass)(infml):Mr.Anderson didn't want to run for office because he knew the opponents had something on him. 安德森先生不想竞选公职,因为他知道对手握有他的把柄。

have sb/sth to oneself 独自享用:~a cabin to oneself 独占一个船舱;

have in (v adv) 储(备)有 (vt):In winter, they always~got enough vegetables in. 冬季里,他们总是在家里备有足够的蔬菜。

have on (v adv) 穿着 (vt): He has a black coat on today. 他今天穿了件黑大衣。

【用法】 1)have2 表示“拥有”时,BrE中,一般现在时用have got,如:I have got a computer. (我有一台计算器。) 而AmE中,则用have,如:I have a computer. 在BrE中,一般现在时也可用have,但比用have got较为正式,如:I have no suggestion about it.(我对此无所建议。)2)在AmE中,have2的否定式和疑问式要用助动词do构成,如:Do you have a yacht?— No,I don't.(“你有游艇吗?”“没有。”)在BrE中这种结构不用于一般现在时,应说:Have you (got) a yacht? 在过去时中则可用助动词do,如:I didn't have any money then. (当时我没有钱。)现代BrE中,一般现在时也越来越用助动词do构成否定式和疑问式。





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