释义 |
井水不犯河水jǐng shuǐ bù fàn hé shuǐwell water does not intrude into river water—I’ll mind my own business and you mind yours; stay out of things that don’t concern one; each is to go his ows way ❍ 我和他‘~’,怎么就冲了他? (《红楼梦》902) I kept as clear of her as well water and river water . How could my horoscope clash with her?/表面上他对坂本少佐非常尊敬,心里却抱个~的态度,尽量避免打交道,有时干脆就躲。(冯志《敌后武工队》239) Apparently full of respect for Sakamoto,he nursed a preference to keep the major at some distance,figuring there was no need to get on the bad side of this Japanese Officer. At times he even kept out of Sakamoto’s sight. ❍ 有啥不好办的呢?炕这么大,你躺炕头,咱躺炕梢,咱们~,天一放亮就走了,不碍你事。(周立波《暴风骤雨》391)What can you do? That’s easy. The kang is large—you sleep on one end,and I’ll sleep on the other. The water in the well doesn’t mix with the water in the river.When the day dawns,I’ll go. What harm can I do you?/我们不找你们,你们也别找我们,各自一方土,你干你的,我干我的,~,以后少上这找麻烦! (徐光耀《平原烈火》167) We don’t want anything from you,why not leave us alone? Let’s each stick to our own territory. You run your affairs,We’ll run ours.‘The well and the stream never bump heads.’ In the future,better not come looking for trouble. ❍ 何苦呢? 干吗不接着钱,大家来个~? (《老舍剧作选·龙须沟》29) Calm down! Take the money,won’t you? The well water needn’t interfere with the river water. ❍ ~,你敢再犯,明年今日是你周年。(高云览《小城春秋》49) Well water and river water leave each other alone—stay out of things that don’t concern you. If you dare to interfere again,next year at this time will be the first anniversary of your death. 井水不犯河水jing shui bu fan he shui【口语】well water does not intrude into river water—I’ll mind my own business,you mind yours 井水不犯河水well water does not intrude into river water—Each minds his own business without interfering with the other’s 你们搞你们的美式资本主义,我们走我们的中国特色社会主义道路,咱们~。You may continue with your American-style capitalism,but we will follow our path of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. As a Chinese saying goes,“The well water does not intrude into the river water”. We shouldn’t interfere with each other’s way. 井水不犯河水jǐnɡ shuǐ bù fàn hé shuǐ比喻彼此界限分明,互不相扰;也比喻彼此之间不存在发生矛盾冲突的关系。I’ll mind my own business, you mind yours. each going one’s own way, None may encroach upon the precincts of another. |