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单词 井底之蛙

井底之蛙jǐng dǐ zhī wā

a frog in a well—a person with a very limited look; a person extremely limited in viewpoint (like a frog in the well)
❍ 在一片嘈杂的人声中,稍为注意一下,可以听到西客厅里有人在唱《捉放曹》: “将此贼好一比~……”(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—499) If one listened carefully one could hear above the medley of voices someone in the western drawing room singing the Beijing opera,The Arrest and Release of Cao Cao: “This rascal is just like a fog in the well…”/可知我‘~’,成日家只说现在的这几个人是有一无二的; …(《红楼梦》605) Why,I’ve been like the frog at the bottom of a well,imagining that our girls here were unmatched; …

井底之蛙jing di zhi wa

a frog in a well—a person with a very limited outlook


frog at the bottom of a well—person with a very limited outlook;man with narrow vision
~,目光短浅。He has a tunnel vision.

井底之蛙jǐnɡ dǐ zhī wā

井底下的青蛙只能看到井口那么一点大的空间。比喻目光短浅的人。a big frog in a small pond, a person with a very limited outlook, a frog in a well





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