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单词 harvest
harvest/′hɑ:vɪst, AmE ′hɑ:r-/ n;v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1) 1)收(获)割(collecting of ripe cropsesp cornfrom the fields)[C]:summer~夏收;The crops are gathered at~time. 农作物在收获季节收割。~festival/home秋收感恩节/收获节祝宴;~moon秋分前后的满月; 2)收获期(季节)(season when ripe crops are gathered)[CU]:at/during the~在收获季节/期间; 3)收成,收获,产量((amount of) any natural product)[C]:a large/bumper/good/splendid~大丰收;The wheat~was poor.小麦的收成不好。The apple~was bad.苹果的收成很糟。The oyster~was small. 牡蛎欠收。the~of pearls/nuts/the sea 珍珠/坚果/海产品的收获;gather in/bring in the~收割庄稼;a succession/series of good/bad~s 连续丰/欠收;

(2)结(后,成)果(consequences or results of some action)[C](fig):reap the~of one's hard work/past mistakes/wrong decision 获得辛勤劳动的成果/吃过去错误的苦果/吞下错误决定的苦果;enjoy the~of one's efforts 享受自己努力的结果; (cruelty) bring a~of sorrow(残酷)带来痛苦的结果;a~of love 爱情的结果;The medicine was the~of 30 years of research. 这种药是30年研究的成果。

v 收获(割)(reap;gather in (crops))[IT+n]:The farmers were~ing. 农民们在收获。~winter wheat/fruits 收割冬小麦/收获水果;~the fruits of one's labours 收获劳动的成果;

→′harvester n 收获(割)的人;收割机





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