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单词 敷衍塞责

敷衍塞责fū yǎn sè zé

be half-hearted about;do sth in a perfunctory manner; make a show of doing one’s duty; perform one’s duty in a perfunctory manner; shift the responsibility; work perfunctorily
❍ 这种人员分配的政策,是我们党的真实政策,必须认真实行,不能~。(《毛泽东选集》709) This allocation of places represents the genuine policy of our Party and must be carried out conscientiously; there must be no half-heartedness about it.
❍ 官僚主义的表现,一种是不理不睬或~的怠工现象。(《毛泽东选集》110) One manifestation of bureaucracy is slacking at work due to indifference or perfunctoriness./……否则,他就要“通电各地军政当局”,“即予紧急处置,不得于事后借口无法劝阻,~” 了! (《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—145)…otherwise“telegrams will be sent to all military and civil authorities”; “Urgent measures must be taken. No one must shift the responsibility on the pretext that he could not stop the trouble”.


perform one’s duty in a perfunctory manner; muddle through one’s work; make a show of doing one’s duty

敷衍塞责fū yǎn sè zé

塞责:搪塞责任。指工作不认真,应付了事。play games, perform one’s duty in a perfunctory manner, explain away, give an equivocal reply, be half-hearted about





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