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单词 roll
roll/rǝ ʊl, AmE roʊl/ v & n

v (1)(使)滚动(翻滚)((cause to)turn over like a wheel or ball)[I+prepI+advT+n+prepT+n+adv]:The coin~ed under the table/down the hill. 那硬币滚到了桌子下面/滚下山去了。The dog~ed in the mud/on the grass. 狗在泥里/草地上打滚。My brother~ed over in bed/back to his side/off the bed. 我弟弟在床上辗转难眠/又重新侧身躺着/从床上滚了下来。~a snowball/a hoop/a cart along 向前滚雪球/铁环/推车;~the ball towards (to) the puppy/the barrels of oil onto the ship 把球朝小狗滚去/把油桶推上船;〖同〗turn,rotate,spin,wheel;
 (2)前进,滚滚前行(move gently and steadilymove along (as) on wheels)[I+prepI+adv]:The tide/waves~ed to the shore/over the sand. 潮水/海水滚滚地涌向海岸/涌上沙滩。The fog~ed in from the water. 雾从水面涌来。A bus~ed to the stop/along the highway/down the slope. 一辆公共汽车驶向车站/在高速公路上行驶/驶下山坡。The smoke~ed up (the chimney). (烟囱里)冒出团团的浓烟。 The clouds~ed away. 云散了。The bus/train~ed away/in. 公共汽车/火车开走了/进站了。〖同〗flaw,wheel,coast;
 (3)卷成,团(圆柱),卷起(wrap or wind (sth)round and round upon itself or over sth else)[I+prepI+adv(up),T+nT+n+prepT+n+adv(up),D+n+n]:~up a rug/a map/one's leaves 卷起小地毯/地图/袖子;~up an umbrella 收拢雨伞;~a cigarette/the yarn 卷支烟/绕线;~the paper/the clay into a ball 把纸/泥团成球; ~the wool/the string into a ball 把毛线/线缠成球;~sb/oneself(up)in a coat/bed-clothes 用外套/床单裹住某人/自己;~the blanket round sb 用毛毯裹住某人;~the fish in batter 把鱼裹上面糊;~the carpet back/out 把地毯卷起来/铺开;The hedgehog/kitten~ed (itself) up into a ball. 那只刺猬/小猫卷成一团。~sb/oneself a cigarette 给某人/自己卷根烟;〖同〗wind,twist;
 (4)碾,压,擀(make (sth) flat or flatter by rolling sth heavy over it)[IT+nT+n+prepT+n+advC+n+adj]:The wet pastry won't~. 这块软面团擀不平。~the road/the lawn/the pastry/the dough 轧路/碾草坪/擀油酥面团/擀生面团;~the steels into sheets 把钢轧成薄板;~the pastry/the dough out very thin 把油酥面团/生面团擀薄;~the road surface flat 把路面轧平;
 (5)(使)转动((cause to) move round in a circle)[II+prepI+advT+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:The child's eyes~ed in fear/amazement. 那孩子吓/惊讶得眼睛骨碌碌直转。a goldfish~ing in the bowl 金鱼在鱼缸里转圈;The child~ed his eyes at the stranger. 那个孩子转着眼睛看着陌生人。~a pencil between sb's fingers 在手指间转铅笔;
 (6)(使)左右摇摆(晃)((cause to)move or rock from side to side)[II+prepI+pT+nT+n+prepT+n+adv]:~ing with laughter/in the aisles 笑得前仰后合/捧腹大笑;The ship~ed on the rough sea/heavily to and fro. 船在波涛汹涌的海上颠簸/前后晃得很厉害。The child~ed up to his mother. 那个孩子蹒跚地朝母亲走去。The drunken man~ed along the street. 醉汉摇摇晃晃地走在街上。The storm/huge waves~ed the sailboat (to and fro/from side to side). 暴风雨/巨浪使那艘帆船(来回/左右)摇晃。~ing drunk 醉得东倒西歪;walk with a~ing gait 踉踉跄跄地走路;〖同〗rock,sway;
 (7)起伏,波动(extend in wave-like appearance)[II+prepI+adv]:The hills/countryside~ed down to the sea/away for miles. 一座座小山/乡野绵延起伏向海边伸延/绵延数英里。~ing hills 绵延起伏的群山;
 (8)发出隆隆的声音(make or send forth a long continuousdeep sound)[I]:The thunder/drum~ed (in the distance).(远方)雷/鼓声隆隆。The clouds~ed with thunder. 云中响起隆隆的雷声。The blast~ed through the valley. 爆炸声响彻峡谷。~ing drums 隆隆的鼓声;〖同〗roar,sound,thunder;
 (9)开动(电影机等)((cause film cameras to)begin to operate)[IT+n](infml):Let them~! 开机!The presses/printing machines are~ing. 印刷机/印刷机在转动。~a movie camera 开拍电影;〖同〗working;
 be rolling 有很多的钱:Of course he can afford it. He is~ing! 他当然能负担得起。他有的是钱!
 roll back (v adv)1)退回去(vi):The battle line~ed back. 战线向后退去。2)使回降(vt):The government will take measures to~the prices back. 政府将采取措施使物价下降。
 roll in(v prep/adv)1)大批拥有(vt,无pass):The man is actually~ing in wealth/money/dollars/luxury. 实际上那个人很富有/有钱/有许多美元/很奢侈。2)纷至沓来,滚滚而来(vi):After they advertised the goods,orders~ed in. 他们为商品做广告后,订单源源不断。
 roll on (v adv)1)(时间)流逝,(盼望时间)到来(vi):Time~s on. 时光流逝。I'm tired of working;~on,the holidays! 我厌倦工作了,但愿假期快来吧!2)卷动着穿上(vt):The lady was~ing on her stockings. 那位女士正在穿长筒袜。
 roll up(v adv)来到(vi):The whole family~ed up to their daughter's first appearance on the stage. 全家人都来看他们女儿的第一次登台亮相。
 →′roller n 石滚子;(压路机)滚筒(柱),卷发器;滚动的巨浪;′roll-up n 手卷的纸烟;′rolling-mill n 轧钢厂(机);′rolling-pin n 擀面杖;′rolling-stock n 各种铁路车辆(总称);′roll-on n 滚抹式化妆品;͵roll-on ′roll-off(abbr roro)(过车)摆渡的;
 n (1)翻(横)滚,摇摆(晃)(act or instance of rolling)[Csing]:have/love/enjoy a~on the grass在草地上打滚/喜欢在草地上打滚/尽情地在草地上打滚;get used to the~of the sea 习惯了海上的颠簸;walk with a nautical~(像海员一样)走路摇摇晃晃;The~of the ship (The ship's~) made many people sick. 船的颠簸使许多人晕船。Watch the~of golf ball toward the hole. 看着高尔夫球朝球洞滚去。〖同〗rolling,turning,rocking,throw;
 (2)(画)卷状物(anything flat rolled or formed into the shape of a tube or wound round a tube)[C][N(of)]:a~of film/cloth/newspaper 一卷胶卷/布/报纸;a toilet~卫生卷纸;papyrus~s in the ancient ruin 古代废墟中的纸莎草纸卷轴;Carpets can't be bought in~s. 地毯不能论卷买。〖同〗tube;
 (3)小圆面包(smallsoftround portion of bread;any portion of food shaped like a tube)[C]:have a~for breakfast 早点吃个面包卷;a ham/cheese/sausage/breakfast~一个火腿/奶酪/香肠/早餐面包卷;an egg~ 一个鸡蛋卷;a bacon and tomato~腌猪肉加西红柿酱的面包卷;
 (4)名单(listespecially of the names of the members of a group)[C]:call/read the~点名;a death/muster/college~ 死亡人员名单/花名册/大学名册;an electoral~ 选举人名单;The teacher read the~of graduates/honour. 老师宣读了毕业生名单/光荣榜。〖同〗list;
 (5)隆隆的声音(continuous or apparently continuous sound)[Ua/the~][N(of)]:a~of drums (a drum~) 隆隆的鼓声;the distant~of thunder/the big guns 远处隆隆的雷/大炮声;〖同〗drumming,thunder;
 rolls of fat/flesh 脂肪堆积,胖:There were~s of fat round his neck/his stomach. 他脖子/肚子上有一层层堆积起来的肉。
 →′roll-bar n(汽车顶部的)防护杠;′roll-call n 点名;





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