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单词 pad
释义 pad1 /paed.; paed/ n 1 mass of, container filled with, soft material, used to prevent damage, give comfort or improve the shape of sth. (用以防止损坏,增加舒适或改进物品形状的) 垫塞物; 垫子。 2 guard for the leg or other parts of the body (in cricket and other games). (打板球或做其他运动时) 保护腿部或身体其他部份的垫子; 护胫; 护胸; 护膝 (等) 。 0 the ilius at cricket. 参看 cricket 之插图。 3 number of sheets of writing-paper fastened together along one edge. 拍纸簿。 4 (also 亦作 'ink-pad) absorbent material (usu in an oblong box) used for inking rubber stamps. 橡皮图章用的印色 (通常装于长方形的盒子中); 印色盒; 打印台。 5 soft, fleshy underpart of the foot (of a dog, fox, etc). (狗、狐等的) 肉趾; 爪褥 (足底的软肉部份) 。 6 (usu 通常作 'launching-pad) platform from which missiles are launched into outer space. 飞弹 (火箭) 发射台。→ the ilius at rocket. 参看 rocket 之插图。 7 (sl) bed; room to sleep in; apartment. (匝) 床; 卧室; 房间。 vt (-dd-) 1 [VP6A] put pads ⑴ in or on (to prevent injury, to give comfort, or to fill out hollow spaces, etc) : 加垫子于; 塞填料于 (以防受伤、增加舒适或填补低浅部份等): jacket with padded shoulders; 有垫肩的上装; a padded cell, one with padded walls (in a mental hospital). (精神病院里的) 墙壁装有护垫的小房间。 2 [VP2A, 3A] pad sth out, make (a sentence, essay, book, etc) longer by using unnecessary material: (以不必要的材料) 拉长 (句子、文章、书等); 添凑; 过事铺陈: an essay padded out with numerous quotations. 用许多弓 | 语添凑起来的短论。 padding /'paediq; 'paedio/ n [U] material used for making pads (1) or for padding (v, 2). 填塞的材料; 添凑语; 补白。




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