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单词 root
root1/ru:t/ nv [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)(植物的)根(part of a plant that is under the ground)[C,常pl]:Trees often have deep/long~s. 树木常常有很深/长的根。Pull the grass up by the/its~s. 把那些草连根拔掉。~vegetable/beer 根茎蔬菜/根汁汽水;〖同〗bottom;

(2)(身体器官的)根(部)(part of hairtonguetoothetc that is buried in the flesh or attached to the rest of one's body)[C]:the~s of one's hairs/one's teeth/one's nails/one's tongue 头发/牙/指甲/舌根;Pull the hair out by the~s. 连根拔掉头发。〖同〗bottom;

(3)根,祖籍(relationships and feelings of loyalty that make one belong to a placegrouptraditionetc;family tie)[Cpl]:pull up one's/put down (new)~s 离开自己原定居的地方/(在新地方)扎根;search for one's~s 寻根(运动);His~s are/He has~s in China. 他的根在中国。He has no~s in Europe. 他的祖籍不在欧洲。We've lived here too short a time to have any~s. 我们在这儿住的时间太短了,没有什么根基。

(4)根源(基,本)原因(base;origin;cause)[C,尤sing](fig):the~of all evil 万恶之源; the~of the question/the whole trouble/the unemployment problem/the tragedy 问题/整个烦恼/失业问题/悲剧的根源;We must get at/get to/strike at the~of the problem. 我们必须抓住/抓住/抓住这个问题的实质。The~s of his neuroses go back to childhood. 他患神经官能症的病因要追朔到他的童年。the~cause of the trouble/poverty 烦恼/贫穷的根本原因;〖同〗origin,source;basic,fundamental;

(5)词根(word or part of a word from which other words have been built up)[C](=base form):“Love” is the~of “lovely” and “loveliness”. Love是lovely和loveliness的词根。The word “cordial” comes from a Latin~. cordial一词来自拉丁语的一个词根。

(6)(数学)根(数)(quantity thatwhen multiplied by itself a certain number of timesgives another quantity)[C]:3 is a cube~of 27. 3是27的立方根。The square~of 9 is 3. 9的平方根是3。

root and branch 完全(地),彻底(地):These evil practices must be destroyed~and branch. 这些罪恶的行径必须彻底铲除。

take/strike root 扎(生)根: The transplanted apple trees have taken~. 移植的苹果树已经生根了。The idea gradually began to take~in the minds of his followers. 这种想法逐渐开始在他的追随者心中扎下了根。

→′rootless adj 无根的;′rootlessness n 无根;′root-crop n 块根植物;

v (1)(使)生根;种植((cause to)grow roots;plant)[II+prepT+nT+n+prep]:These plants do not~very well. 这些植物不好生根。 The tree will not~in such arid soil. 在这样贫瘠的土壤里这棵树不会生根。The tree~ed itself very quickly. 这棵树的根长得很快。~the bulbs/the roses in potting soil/compost 把这些球茎/玫瑰种在盆栽土/混合肥中;~the cuttings in pear 把剪枝嫁接在梨树上;

(2)使(站着)不动(plant or fix in place by or as if by roots)[T+n+prep,尤pass]:be/stand~ed to the spot (the ground/the place) (with fear/by surprise/in astonishment)(害怕/吃惊/惊讶地)站在那儿一动不动;Terror~ed him to the spot. 他被吓得一动也不动。He sat~ed in the seat. 他纹丝不动地坐在座位上。

(3)使扎根(cause to become establisheddeeply and firmly)[通常passT+nT+n+prep]:have a~ed objection to that behaviour 对那种行为从骨子里反对;His affection for her is deeply~ed. 他对她的爱根深蒂固。customs~ed in tradition 传统上固有的习俗;morality~ed in the hearts of people 扎根于人民心中的道德标准;These sentiments are~ed in the tradition of radicalism. (fig) 这种情绪源于激进主义的传统。His difficulties are~ed in his lack of education.(fig) 他的困难源于受教育不多。〖同〗fix,establish,stick,fasten;

root out (v adv)清(铲)除(vt):We must~out crime/all the dead plants. 我们必须铲除犯罪/把所有已死的植物清除掉。

root up (v adv)连根拔起(vt):He~ed up all the trees on his farm. 他把他农场里所有的树都连根拔掉了。





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