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单词 rise
rise/raɪz/ vi [-s/ ɪz/;rose/rǝ ʊz, AmE roʊz/, risen/rɪzn/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n

vi (1)上升,增长(go upwards and higher;increase)[II+prepI+n/prep]:The temperature rose today. 今天的气温升高了。His voice rose as he became angry. 由于生气,他的嗓门都提高了。Hot air rose into the sky. 热空气升向空中。Smoke rose from the cottage chimneys. 烟从农舍的烟囱中冒出来。The balloon rose up slowly into the air. 气球慢慢地升上空中。New office buildings are~ing all round us/in the city centre. 我们周围/市中心正在兴建许多新的办公大楼。 Those blocks of flats are~ing fast. 那些成片的公寓盖得很快。The house price/The cost of living/Total output rose by nearly 4 percent this year. 今年的房价/生活费用/生产总量增长了近4%。The Mississippi always~s (by) several feet in the spring/after the rain. 每年春季/下雨后密西西比河的水总是上涨几英尺。〖同〗increase,〖反〗decrease,lessen;
 (2)(太阳等)升起((of the sunmoonstarsetc) appear above the horizon)[I]:The sun~s in the east. 太阳从东边升起。〖同〗go up;〖反〗fall,drop,set;
 (3)起身(立,床)(get up;stand up from lyingkneeling or sitting)[I](fml):~from the chair/from one's knees 从椅子上/跪的姿势站起来;~to one's feet 站起来;too weak to~太弱了站不起来;~to fetch a cup/welcome sb 站起来拿杯子/欢迎某人;~at dawn/6 o'clock 黎明/6点起床;The horse rose on its hind legs. 马抬起前腿。〖同〗stand up,get up;〖反〗lie down,sit down;
 (4)浮出(come out of waterthe sea;emerge)[I]:Whales~periodically. 鲸每隔一段时间便浮出海(水)面。Her image suddenly rose before him. (fig) 她的形象突然浮现在他面前 。 The idea suddenly rose out of his mind. (fig) 那个想法突然浮上他的心头。The blush was~ing to her cheeks.(fig) 她的脸红了。New troubles rose to afflict her.(fig) 新的麻烦又开始折磨她。〖同〗appear,emerge;
 (5)竖起(become erect or upright)[I]:Fear caused his hair to~. 他吓得头发都竖起来了。The hairs on the back of his neck rose in fear. 他吓得脖子后面的汗毛都竖起来了。The two dogs' hackles were~ing. 那两条狗颈背上的毛都竖起来了。
 (6)(地势)高起来(slope or extend upward)[I]:The mountain hereabouts~s to (a height of) 2000 metres. 这周围的山高达两千米。The ground~s beyond the lake. 湖那边的地势高起来。 The hill~s in the distance. 远处耸立起一座山。The road~s sharply/gradually. 路突然/平缓地升高了。The monument was built on~ing ground. 纪念碑建在了高处。〖同〗tower;
 (7)耸起,超出(show taller than surrounding things)[I+prep,无prog]:The monument/tree~s above the neighboring buildings/over the roof-tops. 纪念碑/那树高出附近的楼房/屋顶。
 (8)(情绪)振奋(高涨)((of feelings)increase in intensityforce)[II+adv(up)]:Her spirits/anger/temper/hopes/confidence rose after hearing the news. 听了那个消息后她精神振奋/很生气/大发脾气/觉得有希望/增强了信心。Indignation/A feeling of panic/Nationalistic feeling rose (up) in/within him. 他心中涌起了义愤/一阵恐慌/民族主义的感情。〖同〗grow;
 (9)尽(努)力去做……,奋起应付(exert oneself to deal with a matter)[I+prep(to)]:~to the task/emergency/challenge of an adventure 努力完成那项任务/尽力去应付紧急情况/勇敢地迎接冒险的挑战;When the speaker didn't arrive,the chairman rose to the occasion and gave an excellent unprepared speech. 发言者未到,会议主席出来应付局面,做了一次非常精彩的即兴演讲。〖同〗respond;
 (10)起来反抗(rebel;revolt)[II+prep(against),I+adv(up),I+adv(up)+prep(against)](fml):The people finally rose up. 人民终于起来反抗了。The oppressed people rose (up) (in rebellion/in revolt) against the tyrant. 被压迫的人民起来(造反/造反)反抗暴君。~(up) against the foreign invaders 起来反抗外国侵略者;〖同〗rebel,revolt;
 (11)晋升(move to a higher ranka more important position)[II+prep]:~rapidly to fame/greatness/the rank of general/a position of importance 迅速出名/成为大人物/升为将军/升到显要的职位;~from the ranks/humble origins 行伍出身/出身卑微;~from nothing to become a minister 由无名小卒一跃成为部长;~in the world 提高社会地位;a~ing politician 平步青云的政治家;〖同〗go up ;〖反〗fall;
 (12)起源((of a river)start or begin)[II+prep]:The river~s in the mountains/Central Africa. 这条河流发源于那些山中/中非。The quarrel rose from/out of a trifle.(fig)那次争吵是因一件小事引起的。〖同〗begin,start;
 (13)(会后)散去((of people)end a meeting)[I](fml):Parliament/The committee/The House/The court didn't~until 10:30 p.m. today. 议会/委员会/下院/法庭直到今晚10点半才休会(庭)。We rose for lunch. 我们散会去吃午饭。〖同〗leave,retire;
 (14)(风)刮起来(更猛)((of wind) start or become stronger)[I]:The wind rose during the night. 夜里起了风。The wind is~ing. 风越来越大。
 (15)发酵胀大((of uncooked bread) become larger and rounder by being filled with air)[I]:The dough has risen. 这块面已经发起来了。My cake hasn't risen. 我做的蛋糕没发起来。The bread won't~properly. 面包的面发得不好。
 rise again/from the dead/from the grave 死而复生:Christ is said to~from the dead. 据说耶稣是死而复生的。
 rise to the bait 上当(钩):I could see he was trying to make me angry,but I didn't~to the bait. 我明白他是想使我生气,但是我没有上当。
 rise above (v prep)战胜,克服(vt):Surely we can~above petty personal jealousies. 我们肯定能克服渺小的个人妒忌。
 →′rising n 武装起义,造反;
 n (1)升高(起);(地位)上升(upward movement in spaceranketc)[C][N(of)]:the~of the water/the balloon/the tide 水位上升/气球上升/涨潮;a~in social position/the party 社会/党内地位的上升;have a rapid~to fame/power 迅速成名/掌权;the~and fall of the Empire 帝国的兴衰;〖同〗growth,climb,progress;〖反〗fall;
 (2)增加,提高,上涨(升)(increase in numberamountvaluepricetemperatureintensity)[C][N(in)]:the~in prices/food costs/crime 价格/食品费用/犯罪率的上升;a~in the value of the dollar/the cost of living 美元价值/生活消费的增加;a~in temperature/blood-pressure 气温/血压的升高;〖同〗increase;〖反〗decrease,drop;
 (3)斜坡,小山(丘)(upward slope;small hill)[C]:Our house is on the top of the~. 我们的房子在那座小山的山顶上。a~in the road 路上的小土丘;The~of the hill is gradual. 这座山的坡势平缓。〖同〗slope,incline;
 (4)涨工资(increase in salary or wages)[C](=AmE raise):ask for/demand a~(in wages)要求涨工资;have four~s a year 一年涨四次工资;have a £10-a-week~周工资涨10英镑;〖同〗raise;
 (5)起源(beginning;origin)[C]:the~of a river 河的源头;Where do these problems have their~?(fig)这些问题的起因是什么?
 on the rise 在增长(上涨,扩大):New cures for cancer are on the~. 治疗癌症的新方法越来越多。
 get/take a rise out of sb 惹得某人恼怒(厌烦):The boy got a~out of Tom by teas-ing him about his girl friend. 那个男孩因取笑汤姆的女朋友而惹恼了他。
 give rise to 引起,导致(fml):This plan has given~to many problems. 这个计划引起了许多问题。
 →′riser n 早起床的人;梯级竖板;
 【辨异】 riseariseget up的区别见ARISE。





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