释义 |
esquiren. 1. a rank between gentleman and knight,squire.landed proprietor (身份介于绅士与爵士之间的)乡绅,地主。 △2H.IV. 3. 1. 63 (57): “I am Robert Shallow,sir. apoor esquire of this county,and one of the King's jus-tices of the peace.”我是罗伯特·夏禄,先生,本郡的一个卑微的乡绅,担任国王驾下的治安法官。 △2H.VI.5.1. 75: “Apoor esquire of Kent that loves his king.”肯特郡的一个爱戴国王的贫寒乡绅。 2. gentleman,in rank next below a knight (地位次于骑十的)绅士。 △H.V. 1. 1. 13:“Full fifteen earls and fif-teen hundred knights,/ six thousand and two hundredgood esquires;”足足十五个伯爵,一千五百个骑士,六千二百个绅士。 esquire[isˈkwaiə]n. 先生,乡绅 |