释义 |
estconj. for fear that,for fear怕的是,只怕。 △H.V.2.2.45: “Let him be punished,sovereign,lestexample Breed,by his sufferance,more of such akind.”让他受到惩罚吧,皇上,要不然对他太宽纵了,此例 一开,怕还会产生出更多同类的事来。 △Mac.2.4.38: “Lest ourold robes sit easier than our new!”i.e. For fear thatwe should find the new order of things turns out to beworse for us than the old. 只怕我们的新衣服不及旧的舒服。(按:麦克德夫担心苏格兰国势恶化。) lest that: for fear that,in order that not怕的是,免得。 △ 3H.VI.1.1.98: “Urge it no more,lest that,in-stead of words,/ I send thee,Warwick,such amessenger / As shall revenge his death before I stir.”别再说了,沃里克,不然的话,我不用费话,也不必动手,只消派一个凶神恶煞的使者就为我父亲报了仇。 |