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单词 直言不讳

直言不讳zhí yán bù huì

assert (/declare) bluntly(/explicitly); be outspoken in one’s remarks; call a spade a spade; call things by their proper names;free-spoken; make it quite plain; mince no words;not to put too fine a point (/an edge)on;outspoken;plainspeaking; speak frankly (/plainly); speak in unequivocal terms; speak one’s mind freely;speak without reservation (/reserve); state unreservedly;talk straight
❍ 今天他在崇祯面前~地禀奏说: 满京城的戚、勋旧和缙绅们为着李国瑞的事人人自危,家家惊慌。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—716) So now he reported frankly to the emperor that all of the imperial relatives ,nobles and other gentry in the capital were very worried over the affair of the marquis.
❍ 他~地指出我们工作中的缺点。He pointed out the shortcomings in our work without mincing words.

直言不讳zhí yán bù huì

讳:避讳。有话就直接说出来,毫不避讳。speak without reservation, mince no words, speak frankly, call a spade, lay sth. on the line, put sth. on the ine





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