释义 |
endeavourn. 1. effort,exertion,labour努力,尽力,工作。 △H.V. 1.2. 185: “Setting endeavour in continual motion;” i.e.Keeping their efforts always on the move.使它们不断地努力运转。 2. encounter,fight交战,战斗。 △Lr.2. 1. 35 (33):“Some blood drawn on me would beget opinion / Ofmy more fierce endeavour.” i.e.If I draw some ofmy own blood,it will give people the impression thatI have had a desperate fight. 身上刺出一点血,会叫人相信我曾经进行过一番激烈搏斗。
endeavourvt. strive to effect力求实现。 △1H.VI.2.5.69:“Endeavoured my advancement to the throne.”力求使我登上大位。 ~ vb. refl. attempt,strive,try尝试,努力,力求。 △Tw4.2.106 (96): “Endeavour thyself to sleep.”你想法好好睡一觉。 |