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单词 roof
roof/ru:f/ n [-s/s/]; vt

n (1)房顶(structure that covers or forms the top of a building)[C]:the~of the garage 车库的顶子;a flat/sloping/slate~平/坡形/石板瓦屋顶;The~leaks. 屋顶漏雨。

(2)家,房子(homehouse)[C]:a poor man's~一个可怜(穷)人的家;live under one/the same~住在一所/同一所房子里;have no such goings-on/spend a night under sb's~在某人家里没有发生这类事情/过夜;have a/no~over one's head有地方可住/无家可归;〖同〗home;

(3)顶部(top covering of anything)[C]:the~of a car/a truck 汽车/卡车顶部;the van~大篷车车顶;the~of the mine passage 巷道的顶子;The trees met overhead to form a~. 树在头顶上交错在一起形成树阴。the~of the mouth/cave/world 上颌/山洞的顶/世界屋脊;

go through the roof 大发脾气:Your father will go through the~when he sees the broken car. 你父亲要是看见这辆破车准会大发脾气。

→′roof-tree n 栋梁;房脊梁;′roof-rack n(机动车上的)顶架;′roof-top n 房(楼)顶;

vt 给……加上屋顶(cover with a roof)[T+nT+n+prep(with),T+n+adv(over/in),T+n+adv(over/in)+prep(with)]:~the house 给房子加上顶;~in a stadium 给运动场加顶;~a hut/a house with strips of bark/wood 给小屋/房子加上树皮/木板顶;~over a yard with slates 用石板瓦在院子上加个顶;A walk~ed over with glass led to the greenhouse. 一条有玻璃顶的甬道通向温室。Huge trees~in the pond. 大树的树冠遮住了那个池塘。

→′roofing n 做顶的材料;′roof-garden n 屋顶花园





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