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单词 ridge
ridge/rɪdʒ/ n [-s/ ɪz/];vt [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)(狭长的)隆起部,脊(longnarrow peak of sth or piece of land)[C]:~s on the soles 鞋底凸起的条纹;the~of a roof/a tent/a wave 屋脊/帐篷顶/浪峰;the~of the nose/an animal's back 鼻梁/动物的脊梁;the~s of the wet land/the ploughed land 沼泽地的隆起部分/耕地上筑起的田垄;

(2)山峦(脊)(long hill or chain of a mountain)[C]:the blue~s of the mountains 青青的山峦;walk along the mountain~沿着山脊走;The settlement was just over that~. 那个小村落就在那座山梁的那边。〖同〗hill;

(3)(气象)高压脊(area of high pressure in the atmosphere)[C]:a~of high/low pressure 高/低压脊;

→′ridge-pole n(长形帐篷的)横梁;′ridge-tile n 脊瓦;′ridgeway n 山脊路;山脊小径;

vt 使成脊状,使起皱(form into or provide with a ridge or ridges)[T+n]:His muscles were~d like ropes. 他的肌肉凸起,像一股股绳索一样。sb's forehead~d in concentration/with anxiety 某人因精神集中/担心而皱起的额头;a slightly~d surface 微微起皱的表面





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