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单词 rock
rock1/rɒk,AmE rɑ:k/ n

(1)岩(层)(natural stone that forms part of the earth's surface)[U]:The earth's crust is made up of~under a layer of soil. 地壳是由土层下面的岩石构成的。Those cliffs are solid~. 那些峭壁是坚硬的岩石。melted~poured out from a volcano 火山口溢出的熔岩;a~formation 岩石层;

(2)礁(岩)石(large piece of stone higher than the surrounding land or stands out from the sea)[C]:The ship ran on/against a~. 船触礁了。The boat struck/hit a~. 那艘船触礁了。climb over/sit on a~爬上/坐在一块岩石上;(as) solid/firm/steady as a~坚如磐石;〖同〗stone;

(3)大石块(large separate piece of stone)[C]:R~s fell/rolled down the hillside. 大石块从山坡上掉/滚下来。falling~s 滚落的石块;〖同〗stone;

(4)小石子,石头(small stone that can be picked up with one's hand)[C]:throw a~at sb 朝某人扔石头;Stop throwing~s! 别扔石头了!〖同〗stone;

(5)彩色硬棒糖(type of hard sweet made in long round bars)[C](BrE):a stick of~一根彩色硬棒糖;Edinburgh~爱丁堡硬糖块;

on the rocks 处于困境(infml):Mr Jone's business was on the~s. 琼斯先生的企业濒临破产。

→′rocky adj 岩石的;多岩石的;坚硬的;′rockiness n 多岩石;坚硬;′rockery,′rock-garden n 岩石园;假山花园;͵rock-′bottom n 最低点;adj 最低的;′rock-climbing n 攀岩;′rock-crystal n 水晶;′rock-plant n 任何生长在岩石上的植物;′rock-salt n 岩盐;͵rock-′steady adj 坚(牢)固的,稳定的





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