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单词 擢发难数

擢发难数zhuó fà nán shǔ

[of crimes] be as countless as the hairs on a head; too numerous to count
❍ 范雎曰: “汝罪有几?”(须贾)曰: “擢贾之发以续贾之罪,尚未足。”(《史记·范雎蔡泽列传》) “How many crimes are you guilty of?”asked Fan Ju.“More crimes than the number of hairs on my head,were I to enumerate them one by one.”/可死之罪,~。(蒲松龄《聊斋志异·续黄粱》) He might be punished with death for the crimes which are too numerous to count.

擢发难数zhuo fa nan shu

(of crimes) be as countless as the hairs on a head

擢发难数zhuó fà nán shǔ

擢:拔。拔下头发难以数清。比喻罪恶多端,数也数不清。too numerous to count, be as countless as the hairs on the head





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