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单词 擒贼先擒王

擒贼先擒王擒贼擒王qín zéi xiān qín wáng

if one is to capture the gangsters he must first capture the chief;to round up bandits,one must catch their ringleader first; when catching robbers,first catch their leader/“~,你想法把李海霞干掉,要干得干净些,不要搬起石头打了自己的脚。”(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》276)“To catch a snake by the head is good advice,and you had better think of a way of getting rid of Li Haixia. See that it’s done quietly and cleanly and don’t get yourself in trouble.”/~,使对方群龙无首…… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》583) Grab their leader and they’ll be helpless. …/射人先射马,~。知道不知道?记住!碰到骑马的敌人,就是先打马后打人!(吴强《红日》261) When shooting a man first shoot his horse,when catching robbers first catch their leader. Did you know that? Remember it! When you come cross an enemy rider you should first shoot his horse and then shoot him.
❍ 赵庆田知道擒贼要擒王,作战先打指挥官,一扣板机,打了他个狗吃屎。(冯志《敌后武工队》17) Zhao knew that “if you want to round up the gang you must get the chief first,” and shot him dead with one bullet.
❍ 挽弓当挽强,用箭当用长。射人先射马,~。(杜甫《前出塞》) In picking bows|We prefer taut ones;|In choosing arrows we take|The longest; in killing|The enemy we go first|For thier horses;in taking|Prisoners we first capture | Commanders:…/这种“擒贼擒王”的办法,又不知各位以为何如。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》169) I wonder what you all feel about this idea of stopping the trouble at its source?/如今俗语说: ‘~。’(《红楼梦》706) She must know the saying ‘To catch rebels first catch the chief. ’

擒贼先擒王qin zei xian qin wang

to catch brigands,first catch their ringleader


to catch a gang of bandits,first catch their chieftain
射人先射马,~to shoot the rider,first shoot his horse; to catch bandits,first catch their ringleader

擒贼先擒王qín zéi xiān qín wánɡ

擒:抓住。抓贼首先要抓住他们的头领。也比喻抓住问题的关键来行事。to catch bandits, first catch the ring-leader; when catching crooks, first get their chief; catch a gang, first catch its leader





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